Wednesday 23 May 2018

Guy With Deformity

A guy was born with deformity in his left shoulder. He had no flexibility in that area. When we approached him for healing, he was totally doubtful. We ministered twice and nothing happened. He said, "It's still the same." And he gave a confident look, knowing that we would not be able to do anything about it.

We saw the word 'basketball' and we looked at him and said, "You are a basketball player." He nodded. We said, "And you are an extremely good one." He nodded "yeah". We added, "And because of the way you play, you have received so many affirmation from people." He went "yes". We said, "But there is one affirmation you are looking for and you don't have it. And that is from your father. Because since young, he has never ever affirmed you." He began to lean in, while nodding his head, with sorrow in his eyes.

"But there is one Father from heaven who affirms you long before you do anything to gain affirmation." He moved his shoulder and his eyes brightened up, "I can feel the difference! There's more flexibility right now!" 

We shared about Jesus, but his friends hurried him to leave. They had something on, but we had stopped them out of nowhere to minister to him.

Don't judge a person by appearance. This is why Paul said to regard no one in the flesh. If we can see them in the spirit, we will realise that the Father is constantly seeking His own. #identity #lifestylechristianity101

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