Sunday 30 July 2017

Man Enters Lift And Gets Born Again

A man entered the same lift after me. He was going up the second floor. God spoke and we asked, "How's your right shoulder?" He said it's hurting. We ministered and he said, "The pain is no longer there."

He also had a hearing problem with his right ear. He could hear the sound but not the words. We ministered outside the lift and stood several metres away to test out his right ear. He could hear both the sound and the words. He exclaimed, "I could never hear this before!"

Finally he asked, "Can you teach me how you do this?" We shared the Gospel and he received Jesus into his life, and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then he asked for our address and mobile number.

He was born into Adam before he entered the lift. But he was born again into Christ when he stepped out of the lift. The lift transferred him from ground to second floor and from darkness into light.

There is nowhere you can't manifest the kingdom. We have done it in the toilet while relieving ourselves too. Do not let location stop you from reaching someone. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

Saturday 29 July 2017

Original Mission

Original Mission

Adam's original mission was to take dominion over all living things. To take dominion reveals that there was already chaos on earth before Adam was created.

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. - Gen 1:2

The word "without form" and "void" in Hebrew means "a place of chaos and indistinguishable ruin".

The earth was good but not perfect to begin with. "Darkness" was on the face of the deep. There was obscurity and wickedness. For the devil and his fallen angels were already there.

Adam, having a divine nature, was created in the image and the likeness of God. He was tasked to take dominion over the earth, over every living thing, so that God's world invades the earth.

He failed because he didn't know his identity. The enemy deceived him (Eve) to think that he needed to work and strive to become who he already was. He was already created in God's image and likeness.

As a result, the enemy took Adam's authority when the latter fell. Throughout the Old Covenant, we saw men living without the authority that God gave to Adam. We are not meant to take reference from the lives of Old Testament saints and men, because they lived in an inferior covenant.

Jesus, the last Adam, came to show us the original mission of the first Adam. Jesus, having the divine nature, came to represent the exact image and likeness of God - which Adam was supposed to walk in. Adam didn't need to have the anointing. But Jesus needed to have the anointing, because He had to be the firstborn among us. When the anointing (Holy Spirit) came upon Him, God declares "This is My beloved Son..." (Matthew 3:16-17)

Jesus had to be the example of a Son (though He is THE Son), so that when we receive the anointing (Holy Spirit), we can be born again to be Jesus' siblings.

We were born into first Adam, but born again into last Adam. When we were born again, the very breath of God came into us. We received the divine nature and were redeemed into the original image and likeness of God.

On the Cross, the last Adam took back the authority that the enemy stole from the first Adam.

By the blood of Jesus, we have been redeemed to the Garden before the Fall. It is just as if we had never fallen before. We have been restored to our original mission with the original authority - to take dominion over the earth until Jesus returns to destroy the last enemy - death, the final footstool to be placed under Jesus' feet. The latter part is the Rapture.

Today, the enemy is still doing the same thing to deceive believers. He has come to steal, kill and destroy, first and foremost, our identity. The very reason he wants to keep believers from knowing our identity is because he is so fearful of who we are.

We are meant to crush hell for a living. When we walk in our identity, God's world invades the fallen world, reminding the devil of his final destiny. Not only that, we hasten his destiny as we advance the kingdom of God, because when all the nations hear the Gospel preached, the end will come.

Let's pursue our identity and take dominion NOW. #identity

Wednesday 26 July 2017

BGR - Do Not Be Unequally Yoked

This post is off topic for healing and miracles. But I thought it worth to keep a record of what has been written.

2 Corinthians 6:14 is probably one of the most misquoted verses used to teach on BGR relationship.

"Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers." - 2 Cor 6:14

We were taught that we should not enter into a BGR relationship with an unbeliever, because we must not be "unequally yoked". If we were to read the context of this passage, we will realise that apostle Paul was not talking about human relationships.

He was addressing issues that the Corinthian Church was going through. They were believers, but they were living the lifestyle of unbelievers (2 Cor 7:1). Immorality (1 Cor 5-6) and idolatry (1 Cor 10) were prevalent issues in the church.

The context of 2 Corinthians 6 is pretty clear.

Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what FELLOWSHIP has righteousness with lawlessness? And what COMMUNION has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with IDOLS? For you are the temple of the living God. (2 Cor 6:14-16 emphasis added)

Righteousness VS lawlessness
Light VS darkness
Christ VS Belial (idol)

It has nothing to do with BGR relationship.

If you read on verse 17-18, you will understand that Paul was addressing idolatry. The Corinthians were worshiping God and yet involved in idols and licentious lifestyle (1 Cor 6:18-20).

In fact, the words "fellowship" and "communion", in the Greek, have to do with "participation" and "partaking".

You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot PARTAKE of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons. - 1 Cor 10:21 (emphasis added)

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints... Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore DO NOT BE PARTAKERS with them. - Ephesians 5:3-7 (emphasis added)

When Paul said, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers", what he was saying is this, "Do not partake/participate in what the unbelievers are involved in. They were involved in idolatry, immorality and all kinds of other stuff. Don't be involved. Be separated from that kind of lifestyle."

Disclaimer: It is wise to find a partner who shares the same faith as you. This will prevent alot of unnecessary issues and conflicts from arising due to different beliefs. Even if both are Christians, it is still wise to find someone who is as passionate about Jesus as you do. Having someone who is a Christian but doesn't really bother about Jesus will still result in unnecessary conflicts.

For a believer who is in a BGR relationship with a non-believer, first of all, there is no condemnation in Christ. A believing partner can sanctify the non-believing partner (1 Cor 7:14) by living in the light and representing Christ to the non-believing partner. That will win him/her over to Christ. Of course, it's easier said than done. Knowing and walking in identity, therefore, is the key.

Personally, I don't believe in telling the non-believing partner, "I can't be with you because God said so." You can't find that from Scripture. It only turns the non-believing partner further away from Jesus, who is LOVE. But for areas where they would compromise worship, you can say, "I can't worship idols like you do. I can't be involved in what you are involved that is against God. I can't participate in fornication, etc. Because He loves me and I love Him." Remember, light convicts darkness.

If the non-believing partner initiates break-up because of your devotion to Jesus, let him/her go.

But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. - 1 Cor 7:15

May we not place yoke on people that God did not.

Friday 21 July 2017

Healing: Seeing Through Christ's Love For Our Family

Ever wondered why it seems easier to minister healing to strangers than our family? I did. Yes, I have seen some measures of healing breakthrough for my own family, especially when my son was down with flu and fever. We ministered healing and the fever often left in one day. Thank God for that. But I have yet to see consistent results for other family members.

It is almost impossible not to have questions in our heart when healing doesn't happen. The issue is not about asking questions. Because you will definitely have. The issue is finding the answer in the Person who wrote the Book of truth. Don't give an answer based on your own experience. Don't address what Jesus did not address. Find your answer in the Person of Jesus Christ.

There is only one answer Jesus gave when healing didn't happen. So let's not add to His answer with all kinds of religious reasons. Neither do we compromise it by saying, "Jesus never addressed this. So it's a mystery." 

When the disciples asked a question because they couldn't heal the boy, Jesus answered, "Because of your unbelief..." (Matthew 17:20)

In other words, Jesus is saying, "You are not seeing from My perspective. I always see what the Father do. You need to see what I do." (John 5:19)

Jesus came down from Mt Transfiguration, bringing the Father's perspective to the demon-possessed boy. The disciples couldn't heal him, but Jesus healed him.

Faith always works through Love (Gal 5:6). But it is not your love or my love. It is the perfect Love of Christ. Perfect love casts out fear so that we can see clearly from His perspective. If we can see through His perfect Love for the sick, faith is a by-product which brings the result. We speak to the mountain and the mountain moves.

The Holy Spirit personally taught my wife on this one day. I have never shared this with her. I knew it was the Holy Spirit because it was in line with Scriptures.

On that day, I ministered to my mum-in-law who had swollen legs. There was only slight improvement on the following day. At the same time, my mum-in-law's domestic helper was feeling nausea, vomited a few times, and having great discomfort in her stomach. I ministered to her and all symptoms left immediately.

As we were leaving, my wife said, "I think I know why there's a difference. You see her through Christ's love. The love is pure. It's the love of Christ. But your love for my mum is not pure. It's not the love of Christ."

As much as my flesh would like to contend, she is right. With our own family members, we love them. But the love is sometimes not pure because of human's love. There is human affection involved. They are our loved ones. They are close to us. When we minister healing to them, we can't help but allow human affection to come in. When that happens, it is not seeing through Christ's Love. Because where human affection is involved, we start to work (subconsciously) for the healing instead of resting in His finished works and trusting in His perfect Love. 

The biblical standard is to see the same result regardless of who we are ministering to, whether it is a stranger or our family member. But in reality, we are still growing to that point (by the grace of God) so that we see from Christ's perspective for every single one, including our family.

When Smith Wigglesworth punched, I mean... ministered healing, he never treated the person as a person. His eyes only saw the sickness. He only saw the devil. He was rough (not that I agree with punching). He said, "You are not dealing with a person; you are dealing with the devil." He believed that every sickness and disease are the workings of the devil. He saw everyone on that page. He did not allow his human affection to be involved. Guess what? He had great, CONSISTENT results.

When we don't see our family members healed, we don't go, "Sigh... my own family is harder..." No. Then you are living according to your experience instead of pursuing the truth. We need to go, "Jesus, I want to see Your perspective. I want to grow in seeing through Your perfect love. I thank You for giving me the mind of Christ. I thank You that You are maturing me to see what You see. I thank You that You are aligning my reality to Yours."

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Pursue Love

This morning, as I was walking to the bus stop after sending J to school, I saw a vision of a seal rotating a colourful ball. Out of this colourful ball flows all kinds of gifts.

I heard God saying, "Focus on love and all other gifts will flow." I replied, "Scriptures, please." Because if I can't find it in Scriptures, I will be careful in what I hear.

The Holy Spirit revealed...

But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way. - 1 Cor 12:31

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. - 1 Cor 14:1

We all know that 1 Cor 13 is smacked right in between 1 Cor 12 and 14, because Love is the right motive when it comes to operation of spiritual gifts.

1 Cor 12:31 says, "...earnestly desire the best [greater] gifts. And yet I show you a MORE EXCELLENT WAY." (emphasis added)

In other words, there are many ways to operate in gifts. But the best way to operate in gifts is to LOVE. You can operate in gifts without loving, but you can't love without operating in gifts.

According to Paul, there are greater gifts. It doesn't mean that one gift is exalted above the other. The word 'greater' is defined by Thayer's Greek Lexicon as "more useful, more serviceable."

Which gift is more useful and more serviceable? We let Scriptures interpret Scriptures.

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but ESPECIALLY that you may PROPHESY. - 1 Cor 14:1 (emphasis added)

According to Paul, prophecy is the "greater" gift. It is more useful and more serviceable. Thus, we are to DESIRE to PROPHESY. 

Wait a minute... "Paul, isn't the gift of working of miracles a greater and better gift? Isn't the gift of faith that moves mountain a greater and better gift?"

Well, the truth is... if we simply prophesy people INTO their IDENTITY, then working of miracles and faith are simply by-products of identity. This is why prophecy is the greater gift. It builds up one another. It stirs someone to be who he is created to be - the image of God.

Putting both passages together, we see Love as our pursuit.

But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I SHOW you a more excellent way. - 1 Cor 12:31 (emphasis added)

PURSUE LOVE, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. - 1 Cor 14:1 (emphasis added)

The most excellent way to operate in gifts is LOVE. While it is honourable to desire spiritual gifts, we are called to pursue love. Desiring is the position of the heart. But pursuing is about becoming. You can desire to be loving yet not pursuing to become love.

The goal of our pursuit is to become Love. When we focus on Love, all other gifts will flow. So let the main thing remain the main thing. Love. #walktobusstoprevelation

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Facing Failure - When Healing Doesn't Happen

We love to share stories of success. That's natural. Who doesn't like to celebrate the good news and joy of overcoming? We consider it a testimony to share a story that has a good conclusion. Thus, we only post healings and miracles that have taken place. Because in reality, those are what we considered as success.

Nobody likes to present a bad report or failure. So many people keep the reality under the radar. Out of many who are healed, there are also many who are not healed. There are many who actually died. But you seldom see any ministry sharing about people dying and not getting healed. Why? We are afraid of failure. We are afraid of letting people know what didn't happen. In the religious context, we tell people, "Oh, we simply want to focus on what God is doing, not what God is not doing."

The truth is... healing is not about what God is doing or not doing. He has already done it when His Son paid for every sickness and disease to be healed on the Cross. When we say that "God is not doing...", we are putting the responsibility and the blame on Him when He has already given the full authority and power to us in Christ to heal every sickness and disease. Let me submit to us that when healing doesn't happen, it is US who fails to see what Christ sees. To put it in perspective, if Christ stands in front of the person who is dying, that person will get up fully healed. But if we stand in front of the dying person and he doesn't get healed, it's because the dying person has gotten us instead of Christ.

This week, the HRT team ministered to two dying patients. One was a sole bread winner with a teenage boy. The other is a young mother who has two young kids - age 4 and 6. We were 'fighting' for the mother to live. I'm a father of a 4-year old boy. I cannot imagine my son without a mother at this age. I simply cannot. Tears are welling up in my eyes even as I write this. Sometimes, in ministry, it is easy to simply reduce people to a number - where you no longer feel anything. If that happens, I suggest you go back to the secret place and see the heart of God. Because in reality, they are precious lives purchased by the blood of Jesus.

We failed to see her healed. She went home to be with the Lord. Alot of sincere people would say that "Well, God has taken her home. She is at peace now." That is a plain lie from hell. If Christ were to be there in the ICU ward, this young mother will live. Besides, it is never God's will to see her family broken without a mother. It is the devil who came to steal, kill and destroy the family life.

The God in the missions field and the God in the rural areas is the same God in Singapore. If there are so many cases of dying people healed and dead being raised in other nations - which is the will of God - there ought to be the SAME results in Singapore. Singapore has seen a certain measure of breakthrough, but pale in comparison with other nations. Yes, we rejoice in what already happened. Thank God for that. Praise God for that. But we cannot be complacent. There is much MORE.

Unfortunately, the way we are being brought up in Singapore has somehow hindered us from seeing what God sees. Almost 99% of Singaporeans would not consider the option of raising the dead when their family members died. Because our eyes are set on the reality of our world instead of the reality of His world --- the Word of truth in the Bible.

I'm sad for not seeing what Christ sees for the young mother. We have sent our apologies to her family. But I'm not discouraged or feeling down. If you don't minister to the dying, you won't have any failure. If you don't minister to the sick, you won't have any report of unhealed case or death case. I count it a privilege to minister to the sick and the dying. The possible outcome of having the dying person comes to life and healed far outweighs the possible outcome of death. For that, I will take the risk. Because if we don't lay our hands on them, they won't even have any possibility. I count it a privilege for the Father to put His kingdom in me, for me to manifest out through my hands.

Yes. We failed to represent Christ for this young mother. But it stirs me up even more to go for all that Jesus has paid for. It stirs me up to go after the fullness of my identity. It stirs me up to grow in seeing what Christ sees - heaven's perspective - so that I can manifest what He manifests.

Many ministries will keep death and unhealed cases under the radar. But we want to bring these to light because it is a reality. Success is important. We rejoice in all the healing cases we have seen. But failure is equally important. Without failure, we will never grow. 

Sharing successes leads to applauses. But sharing failures leads to encouragement and growth.

We will continue to focus on the Cross and the finished works of Christ so that the fullness of His reality crush our reality. We will see many more cases of dying people healed and being raised from the dead IN Singapore.

It is time for us as believers to be awakened, to be empowered to walk in our identity and together, we can manifest the kingdom to a world who needs the King. Singapore, ARISE and SHINE! #identity #hrt #healing #raisethedead #sharingfailure #PnL

Manifesting The Kingdom

Jesus taught His disciples to pray in Matthew 6:10.

"Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

The sequence of the Lord's Prayer is important, because unless His kingdom comes, His will cannot be done. Why? Men in the flesh will not submit to His will. Neither will we naturally do His will.

Jesus came to show us how a Man can be fully submitted to God's will and do His will.

Matthew 12:28 - But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.

Jesus came to manifest the kingdom of God. Unless the kingdom is here to reign, God's will cannot be done. By being the King and manifesting the Kingdom, He showed us the perfect will of God the Father (Heb 10:7-9).

The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom 14:17). In other words, where the realm of the Spirit is, the kingdom of God is.

The Cross is not meant for us to get into the kingdom. The Cross is meant for the kingdom to get into us.

When Jesus came, He came with the kingdom. When He died, the kingdom ceased to reign. This is why He had to rise again to send the Holy Spirit into us who have become righteous in Him (Romans 4:25; Acts 1:8). Without the gift of righteousness, the Holy Spirit cannot come and live in us.

When Jesus rose from the dead, the kingdom was ready to descend and reign in the lives of every believer. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit (the kingdom of God) came to live inside us.

Now, the kingdom is within us. (Luke 17:21) Now we are positioned to walk in the Spirit because the kingdom has come to reign in us and through us. Now we can submit to His will because we have died (Gal 2:20) and our flesh can be yielded to do His will. 

This is when the Lord's Prayer BECOMES a reality: "Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

How is God's will going to be done? Through YOU and ME!

As we set our mind on heaven and walk according to heaven (Col 3:2; Rom 8:6), we prove His will (Rom 12:2).

We are not praying for His kingdom to come. It already came. We are now called to manifest His kingdom and do His will. It is now the responsibility of every believer because of the privilege that God has given us by putting the kingdom of God within us.

Now the prayer focus has changed. Instead of "Father, let Your kingdom come...", we pray, "Father, I thank You that Your kingdom has come to live in me and through me. I'm ready to manifest Your kingdom and do Your will." #identity #kingdomofGod