Friday 26 May 2017



I only took UberPool once long ago, because the journey took me as long as taking a train.

Yet due to high demand of Uber traffic (expensive upfront charge), I decided to take UberPool as it was raining cats and dogs, and I had to bring the cleaner lady to my landlord's place.

Uber car came and two pre-school teachers shared with us. I asked, "Does one of you have pain on your left knee?"

They all went, "No. Why?"

We said, "But I sensed it - it's on the left knee."

Suddenly, the Indian lady went, "Oh my gosh! It's me. I just fell and hurt my left knee." She turned to her M colleague and said, "How did he know?"

We put our hand above her left knee, because if I were to touch her left knee, either my wife or the lady will kill me. Joke aside... She felt tingling sensation all over and she told her friend, "I'm in a shock... is this David Copperfield or something? What's this sensation? How did he know?"

After she received healing, we shared with them about Jesus. She kept telling her friend, "I'm still in a shock state. This is like Harry Potter!"

Before she left, she said, "Its a pleasure to share the ride with you."

Is there anywhere we cannot release the kingdom? The answer is No. Bill Johnson said, "We owe the world an encounter with Jesus."

Now I'm considering taking UberPool to reach people. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

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