Friday 5 May 2017

The Kingdom Is Here

Was at a Thai restaurant with wifey and J when Jesus showed up.

As we made payment at the female cashier before the food was served, we asked, "How's your wrist?"

She said, "How did you know? I injured some time ago." Ministered healing to set her free. Jesus!

The Thai chef came to our table and gave us free dessert. We asked, "How's your right ankle?" She asked, "Eh? You know?"

As we stood there, she felt electricity flowing in her right ankle and was healed. Then she felt heat all over her body. She then requested healing for her left knee due to torn ligament. As we stood there, she felt the heat moving to her knee and then to the back of her knee. And the pain left her. Jesus!

The next one was awesome. We asked the Filipino waiter who had been serving us, "How's your left knee?" He replied, "How come you know?"

We stood beside him and he was healed.

Then we asked, "Does the name Mileno ring a bell?" He replied, "Yes."

We asked, "Is she a lady?"

Stunned, he replied, "Yes."

We said, "There seems to be a blossoming of this relationship and there is a connection kind of thing coming."

He answered, "I'm flying back to Philippines this Sunday evening and we are going to have reunion with friends whom I have not kept in touch for a really long time. And Mileno will be there. She and I have not met for a very long time."

He was stunned like vegetable. Shared Jesus with him and he was really encouraged by His love. Jesus!

The kingdom of God is here. And the kingdom is within us. Where we go, the kingdom lands. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #wordofknowledge

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