Wednesday 10 May 2017

Identity Brings Reality

If we don't have to feel saved to be saved, we don't have to feel healed to be healed. It's about identity.

Salvation is by grace through faith. So is healing (though salvation includes healing). Healing is by grace through faith. Everything in our identity is by grace through faith.

We may not feel loved by God. But the truth is... we are loved by God because of the Cross.

We may not feel holy and righteous. But the truth is... we are holy and righteous because of the Cross.

We are called to live a life of faith and walk the journey of faith. Sight, feelings and manifestations are good, but they are not faith. They are not necessary aligned to truth.

Faith is simply believing in the truth, even when we don't see what we should see, and regardless of what we feel.

In the same way, just because we don't feel healed physically, it does not mean that we are not healed. By His stripes, we were healed. We are healed because of the Cross. It's a complete and finished work. It's who we are in Him. It's our identity.

If we believe in our identity about healing, it's a matter of time we see healing becoming our reality. 

Because identity always brings reality. #bathroomRevelation #identity #healing


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