Wednesday 31 May 2017

Uneven Spine - Renewal of Mind

Finally had a renewal of mind seeing a lady with uneven spine healed without the need to sit her down and see her "leg" growing out. We simply held her hand for a few seconds and she was healed of her lower back issue.

Because healing is not about method. Healing is about the Healer. His name is Jesus.

If you are fixed on one way, you limit the power of the Gospel. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #renewalofmind

Reaching Own Local People

Jesus reached His own (Jews) and remained immovable despite of their rejection, so that when He reached outside of His own, He would not be moved by their elevation.

Friday 26 May 2017



I only took UberPool once long ago, because the journey took me as long as taking a train.

Yet due to high demand of Uber traffic (expensive upfront charge), I decided to take UberPool as it was raining cats and dogs, and I had to bring the cleaner lady to my landlord's place.

Uber car came and two pre-school teachers shared with us. I asked, "Does one of you have pain on your left knee?"

They all went, "No. Why?"

We said, "But I sensed it - it's on the left knee."

Suddenly, the Indian lady went, "Oh my gosh! It's me. I just fell and hurt my left knee." She turned to her M colleague and said, "How did he know?"

We put our hand above her left knee, because if I were to touch her left knee, either my wife or the lady will kill me. Joke aside... She felt tingling sensation all over and she told her friend, "I'm in a shock... is this David Copperfield or something? What's this sensation? How did he know?"

After she received healing, we shared with them about Jesus. She kept telling her friend, "I'm still in a shock state. This is like Harry Potter!"

Before she left, she said, "Its a pleasure to share the ride with you."

Is there anywhere we cannot release the kingdom? The answer is No. Bill Johnson said, "We owe the world an encounter with Jesus."

Now I'm considering taking UberPool to reach people. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings

Sunday 21 May 2017

Increased WOK

Uber driver was healed of his shoulder and neck problem through word of knowledge.

Then we asked, "Is the name Alice someone close to you?"

He replied, "Oh Alice is my mum."

We asked, "Does she have kidney stones?"

He said, "I'm not too sure."

We released healing anyway.

There is One who knows you intimately because Love is intimate. In fact, we were created by Love and for Love. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #wordofknowledge

Friday 19 May 2017

Raising the Dead

While healing is always the will of God, raising the dead may not always be the will of God.

Jesus commanded His disciples to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons (Matthew 10:8).

But the signs that follow believers in Mark 16:17-18 do not include raising the dead. In other words, it's not always the will of God to raise someone from the dead.

The New Testament recorded accounts of people being raised from the dead, apart from the first Resurrection of the saints and Jesus' own Resurrection.

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead because he died due to sickness.

Jesus raised a 12-year old girl and a young boy from the dead because they died prematurely.

Peter raised Dorcas from the dead because she died due to sickness.

Paul raised Eutychus from the dead because he died due to an accident.

Paul, however, wasn't raised from the dead. He finished his race and returned to God. The apostles were not raised from the dead after they were martyred.

As such, anyone who passes on because of sickness, accident, pre-mature death and unnatural causes, apart from finishing the race and/or martyred, SHOULD be raised from the dead. 

If possible, we should give these people a chance to be raised from the dead, instead of simply doing a funeral as a standard procedure. Though raising the dead is not the norm and it rarely happens (because we rarely do it; we rarely obey Christ's command to raise the dead), the worst thing that can happen is that nothing happens. But what if the person is really raised from the dead, would it not turn sorrow into tremendous joy and celebration? Jesus never preached a funeral sermon because He is the Resurrection and the Life.

Having said that, this is a sensitive issue as the family is going through a time of grief and loss. So unless the family is open for it, we should never impose. Ultimately, love always wins.

Disclaimer: You can impose if you are walking in 100% success rate in raising the dead.

I believe that we are going to see the dead being raised as easily as the sick are being healed, as we continue to press in and obey His commandment. It's ultimately still the same price Jesus paid on the Cross for healing the sick and raising the dead. Same price. Same level. Same precious blood. #mindrenewal #raisingthedead

Friday 12 May 2017

Coffee Encounters

Coffee + Jesus

Thanks to Esther who introduced me to Jimmy Monkey some time back. I found a place to buy my coffee whole beans.

Was making payment when God spoke to us about one of the staff concerning his lower back. He had a back injury that didn't heal while playing rugby in the past. As we held his legs, his spine was automatically straightened and his back was healed.

The barista (he had tattoo all over both his arms) who was standing beside the staff said that he had pain on his forearm due to coffee tamping. As we stood there talking, his pain was suddenly gone. We didn't even do anything. He frantically searched so many times for his pain but couldn't find it. His expression was priceless.

Then we asked, "Do you know someone by the name of Henry?"

He replied, "Oh I was just thinking about Henry one week ago."

We said, "Does he do a fish business?"

He answered, "You are freaking me out!"

We said, "There will be a connection with him that will result in financial blessing."

He went, "Man, I hope it's me."

He then asked, "I'm curious... Do you also see ghosts?"

We shared Jesus with the two of them. What an awesome Jesus we have. Jesus!

I'm looking forward to seeing 3000 believers in Singapore walking in their identity in everyday life. Jesus, make that happen!

P.S: Where coffee is, there is heavenly encounter. Because coffee is the language of heaven. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #wordofknowledge

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Identity Brings Reality

If we don't have to feel saved to be saved, we don't have to feel healed to be healed. It's about identity.

Salvation is by grace through faith. So is healing (though salvation includes healing). Healing is by grace through faith. Everything in our identity is by grace through faith.

We may not feel loved by God. But the truth is... we are loved by God because of the Cross.

We may not feel holy and righteous. But the truth is... we are holy and righteous because of the Cross.

We are called to live a life of faith and walk the journey of faith. Sight, feelings and manifestations are good, but they are not faith. They are not necessary aligned to truth.

Faith is simply believing in the truth, even when we don't see what we should see, and regardless of what we feel.

In the same way, just because we don't feel healed physically, it does not mean that we are not healed. By His stripes, we were healed. We are healed because of the Cross. It's a complete and finished work. It's who we are in Him. It's our identity.

If we believe in our identity about healing, it's a matter of time we see healing becoming our reality. 

Because identity always brings reality. #bathroomRevelation #identity #healing


Friday 5 May 2017

The Kingdom Is Here

Was at a Thai restaurant with wifey and J when Jesus showed up.

As we made payment at the female cashier before the food was served, we asked, "How's your wrist?"

She said, "How did you know? I injured some time ago." Ministered healing to set her free. Jesus!

The Thai chef came to our table and gave us free dessert. We asked, "How's your right ankle?" She asked, "Eh? You know?"

As we stood there, she felt electricity flowing in her right ankle and was healed. Then she felt heat all over her body. She then requested healing for her left knee due to torn ligament. As we stood there, she felt the heat moving to her knee and then to the back of her knee. And the pain left her. Jesus!

The next one was awesome. We asked the Filipino waiter who had been serving us, "How's your left knee?" He replied, "How come you know?"

We stood beside him and he was healed.

Then we asked, "Does the name Mileno ring a bell?" He replied, "Yes."

We asked, "Is she a lady?"

Stunned, he replied, "Yes."

We said, "There seems to be a blossoming of this relationship and there is a connection kind of thing coming."

He answered, "I'm flying back to Philippines this Sunday evening and we are going to have reunion with friends whom I have not kept in touch for a really long time. And Mileno will be there. She and I have not met for a very long time."

He was stunned like vegetable. Shared Jesus with him and he was really encouraged by His love. Jesus!

The kingdom of God is here. And the kingdom is within us. Where we go, the kingdom lands. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #wordofknowledge

Monday 1 May 2017

Mental Problem Crushed In Jesus' Name

A man was admitted to hospital due to mental issue and anxiety breakdown. He couldn't hold any conversation and could hardly recognise anyone. We ministered to him via FaceTime. Love transcends distance.

We had a word of knowledge for him and gave him truth. He received Jesus into his life.

The next day, he suddenly recovered about 80-90%. Soon he was discharged and doctor couldn't find anything wrong with him. Jesus!

Jesus Transcends Distance

I was waiting for bus to get to work when my wifey called me. She was taking Uber car to her mum's place.

When we ended our phone conversation, I suddenly had a word of knowledge for her Uber driver. So I texted her to check.

And the driver received healing totally. Jesus transcends distance in knowledge and healing. Awesome! #lifestylechristianity101 #dailyhealings #collectingpayment #transcendsdistance