Sunday 29 January 2017

Dinomoov Staff Gets Saved

After service, my son wanted to go for a dinosaur ride at Dinomoov. So we went. Upon returning the ride, I asked the young Indian M staff, "You have sore and tightness at the back of your neck?"

He replied, "Oh ya..." Ministered & he was healed.

Then I added, "And your right knee has problem." He said, "Actually... yes. I had a surgery done for my left knee. Somehow it affected my right knee and now my right knee has this condition (I forgot the name of the condition)."

Ministered to both his knees and asked, "Is there something you can't do?" He responded, "I can't kneel at all." So I said, "Now go ahead and kneel."

He knelt without pain. Jesus!

As he stood up, I prophesied on him some stuff and he smiled and said, "Yeah... you are right." I proceeded to share the Gospel with him. As he was an Indian M, I had to talk abit about Issa and clarified who Jesus is.

As I gave the invitation, he received Jesus into his life! Baptised him in the Holy Spirit. He said, "I'm feeling so light as though my body is floating."

Shared with him that he could attend the church upstairs (NCC), get a Bible from them, and how to pray.

Before I left, I blessed him with an Ang Bao (red packet).

Spiritual blessing
Physical blessing
Financial blessing

This is prosperity Gospel. This is Chinese New Year. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation #cny

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