Thursday 19 January 2017

"Death Kept At Bay" Revelation

This year's 21-day fast: "Death Kept At Bay" Revelation.

The word 'breath' in Genesis 2:7 and the word 'breath' in John 20:22 are the exact same word - according to Septuagint!

God breathed His Spirit into Adam during original creation

Jesus breathed His Spirit into us during new creation

It's the same Spirit of God in Adam and us. It's the same divine nature

Adam had divine nature before the Fall. He walked in divine health and life

We now have the same divine nature. We are redeemed back to our original created value. We can walk in divine health and life

Like Adam, we don't have to suffer any sickness and pre-matured death!!! 

1 Cor 15:45 - Adam was made a living soul, but Jesus was made a life-giving Spirit. Because Adam couldn't give life to others. But Jesus could give life to others to make them born again - new creation

Pre-Fall Adam = Jesus on earth = us

First Adam = last Adam = us. All are sons of God.

Adam ate from the Tree of Life to walk in divine health and life. We eat from the body of Christ to walk in divine health and life.

Note: Based on 1 Corinthians 15:20-end, death is the last enemy to be destroyed. Death is the final footstool to be placed under Jesus' feet (1 Corinthians 15:25-26). Then Jesus will return the kingdom, authority and power to the Father (v24). For the Father had given the kingdom, authority and power to Jesus when He came on earth and died on the Cross.

Rapture will come before Jesus returns. Rapture is the time when the last enemy, death (the final footstool) is destroyed (v54).

As we continually partake from the body of Christ, we can live a long life without any sickness (not even common flu), without degeneration of the body, without wearing out the bones, without even becoming weak & fragile, etc.. We will walk in divine health, strength and life like pre-fall Adam. We may not even see death until rapture comes - "We shall not all sleep..." (v21).

Disclaimer: Men will eventually die (Hebrews 9:27), but not through sickness, weakness, degeneration, etc. Jesus and Paul chose WHEN to die. Paul finished his race before knowing that he should return to God. We, too, can live long enough to either to see the rapture, or to finish our personal race before returning to the Father. Yay Jesus!

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