Wednesday 25 January 2017

New Tooth

More than one and a half years ago, my rear tooth (last second upper) had cracked. I didn't know how it happened. But I refused to go to the dentist to extract it because I was believing God for healing. I mean, when you have been ministering healing to people and seeing them healed, you want the same for yourself. As I have yet to see what He sees, I have yet to see the manifestation for my cracked tooth.

One day, my wife said, "Why don't you go and extract it?" I replied, "No. I'm trusting God for healing." She answered, "But it's giving an odour as it's cracked and decayed. Besides, you can have it extracted and believe God for a brand new tooth." Man, this had never crossed my mind. Extract it and trust Him for a brand new tooth.

So yeah... I went to have it extracted. The dentist examined and said, "It is fully cracked to the root. There is no point keeping it. How long has it been like this?"

I said, "More than one and a half years ago." She asked, "How did you deal with the pain for so long?"

I answered, "There is no pain."

Surprised, she said, "It should be painful as the tooth has cracked to the root and decayed."

Well, I can explain that. Jesus is my pain killer. He kept me from pain for 1 year plus!

She said, "Do you need painkiller after the extraction?" I replied, "No."

And here I am... pain-free. Except one tooth lesser. Father, I thank You for a brand new one. Thank You in advance.

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