Sunday 8 January 2017

What You Feel And What You Are Going Through Have Nothing To Do With Your Identity

With an empty stomach for few days, I thought I would just accompany my family by getting a drink - tea. As the M staff came to clear the table of empty plates (by previous customers) for us, God spoke and I asked if she had problem with her left bicep area. She said that she fell down from stairs long ago and it didn't properly recover. I waited until she was free before I approached her again. As I stood in front of her, she felt heat on her bicep and she quickly left to do her work.

We then brought our son to an indoor play area. Before we reached, I felt the effect of tea working strongly in my stomach. So I vomited twice and felt giddy. We reached the play area but I was still feeling giddy. As I sat on the little chair, God spoke and I asked the staff, "Do you have an old injury or something with your ankle?" She said, "Oh I have injured it so many times." I replied, "Ok. I do free healing."

She immediately sat on the floor and stretched out her leg. She's a free-thinker. I have met more believing unbelievers than believing believers. I told her, "I won't touch you." 

I squatted in front of her, without doing anything, except feeling giddy. She felt heat all over her ankle. Then I prophesied on her with a word for her next season and shared with her about Jesus. She stood up and tested her ankle with joy on her face. She had no pain though.

When I stood up, I felt even more giddy. Thank God, I was well before we left the place. Because there is an earthly principle of sowing and reaping (of course, there is kingdom principle where you reap what He sowed). You sow healing, you reap healing.

Some people use the proverb, "Physician, heal yourself first." In other words, "Don't minister to others. Minister to yourself first." 

The truth is, what you feel and what you are going through have nothing to do with your identity. If the feeling of giddiness stops us from walking in our identity, we have allowed what we feel and what are going through to become our identity instead of allowing what Christ has gone through be our identity. 

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #identity #dailyhealings

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