Monday 26 December 2016

Greater Breakthroughs 2017

I am pretty shocked to receive an iPhone from my client for Christmas gift. My current one has no more memory space. As a result, I can't use certain apps as it requires new iOS update. I'm still at iOS 7.0.

One month ago, I told my wife how expensive iPhone 6 and 7 are. I usually buy one version lower as it's much cheaper. But iPhone 6 and 7 are equally expensive this time. Yet because of my work, I need to eventually change it.

Little did I realise that I would receive a new iPhone from my client. I found it a little difficult to receive at first, but I was reminded of what God spoke to me few weeks ago.

Few weeks ago, during my devotion, I felt God speaking that we need to learn to be good receivers. The more we can receive His love, the more we will see breakthroughs.

This includes learning to receive love from people when they bless you. Humility is not rejecting what is good for you. Humility is acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from above, even when it's through people.

This is something I'm growing into. Thank You Jesus. You are surely good!

P.S: I think Ps JP confirmed this at Christmas day service. It's likely gonna be the theme for 2017 for New Creation Church. Be good receivers.

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Personal Healing

I was literally limping for more than three days. I'm not exactly sure what I did to pull my left hamstring badly. For past two nights, I couldn't get to sleep because of the pain. I couldn't find the right position to place my leg. Each time when I got up from bed to walk, it felt as though my left leg was unable to function at all. I had to rely on my right leg and both arms to walk. My wife had to support me to the living room from the bedroom. I couldn't even walk properly, let alone bending my knee or squatting.

But I didn't want to go to a doctor. I'm trusting God for complete healing because I know His heart for me.

Disclaimer: Please don't read this and apply the same thing. Go to a doctor if you need. It's not a gimmick or a method. It's about a relationship where we grow to see what He sees. We are all on a journey. If we don't see it, use wisdom and go to a doctor.

Today, as my wife and I watched Todd White's movie, I was so touched by the love of God that tears kept flowing down. I was thankful of His amazing love. After the movie, I squatted fully to close the YouTube browser from my laptop, which was on the floor.

My wife looked at me in amazement. I looked at her and said, "Why?" I asked a few times before reality hit me. Little did I realise that I was squatting! And there was no pain! Jesus is so good!

As I'm typing now, I'm walking normally in the mall. Jesus! I'm so thankful.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Cashier at Subway Received Jesus

Went to subway to get a cup of coffee. While making payment, I asked the young lady if she had problem with one of her knees. She said that she just fell & injured it earlier. I said, "Just give me a few seconds."

As I stood there, she felt the power of God touching her knee & she was completely healed. I shared the Gospel and she invited Jesus into her life. She said, "I'm feeling very happy now!" Yeah it's a happy Gospel. Jesus!

Her colleague, who is a Christian, had persistent lower back problem. For persistent lower back problem, usually it's because the spine is not straight. If you sit the person down and lift up both his legs, one of the legs will appear shorter. It's not because the leg is physically shorter. It's because of the uneven spine that makes the leg appear shorter. Thus, there is no need to command the leg to grow out. We have seen spines straightened without speaking to the leg. Real leg growth is where part of one's leg has been amputated.

As the male staff had no time to sit down and let me check his spine, I said, "You just stand there." I stood there and command the spine to be straightened but nothing happened. I knew that if he were to sit down and let me hold his legs, he would be totally healed. But that's not the point, since he was busy.

The truth is... I have been so used to seeing a person's spine healed and straightened by the method of sitting the person down and holding both his legs, that I failed to have my mind renewed to see what Christ sees. Because the mind of Christ doesn't need the person to sit down to be healed. The moment we are stuck in what we see (method), we will not see what He sees. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #salvation #mindofChrist

Friday 16 December 2016

Christmas Outreach

Christmas outreach tonight with many WOK, prophecies and healings, including salvation.

One youth received Jesus and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. He felt His tangible presence filling his whole body.

J ministered to a guy with knee injury and the guy was completely healed. Yay Jesus!

But J was really distracted by candies after that. He was supposed to give out the candies (prepared by Ray) to bless others. But he kept wanting to eat it. Bringing a 3-year old boy for outreach requires really a different level. #firstexperience #toughjob #tiring

P.S: Love the outreach team from more than 10 different churches. Thanks John and the rest for leading the Christmas carols, bringing such joy into the atmosphere. Joy is the atmosphere of heaven.

Thursday 15 December 2016

The Way To True Freedom

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Gal 2:20

Everything in the old nature has been co-crucified with Christ on the Cross. It is dead. A dead person no longer speaks. Neither does anything that is dead has any power.

Old nature does not only encompass sinful habits and behaviours, it also includes everything of the past. The old nature is what separates us from Christ. This is why Romans 8:38-39 says, "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

"Things present nor things to come" cannot separate us from the love of Christ. But the things of the past is not in that list, because our past can separate us from receiving His love.

The old nature includes the things of the past. It could be sickness; it could be a broken heart; it could be an emotional trauma; it could be a bad childhood experience, etc. These are things of the past - the old nature that has been crucified with Christ on the Cross.

The way to freedom, therefore, is this: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh (body), I live by faith in the Son of God."

This means that I only focus on Christ in me, the Hope of glory. He is the new Man. He is the perfect Man. I stop giving the things of the past any influence or power. I live my life thinking Christ and seeing Christ. What I see in Him is what He sees in me. I simply look at Christ and say, "That's me. That's my new man." And I live that way. This is beholding as in the mirror the glory of the Lord.

When thoughts of the past come to my mind, when feelings of the past come to my mind, I say, "These thoughts and feelings are no longer me. They belong to the old man, which has been crucified with Christ. Father, I thank You that I am a brand new man. Thank You that I have been set free from those stuff. Thank You for the Gospel." And I continue walking out who I am in Christ.

In this way, I don't need mental medicine. I don't need counseling. I don't need inner healing. Because I just need truth, which sets me free from me, so that I can live in true freedom. The Gospel is a one-step programme where I receive a brand new life in Jesus' name.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Same Price Tag - Healing Depends On Us

Every item in Daiso is $2, whether big or small. It's the same price tag.

Every sickness and disease cost Jesus the price of dying on the Cross. Be it terminal diseases or muscle ache, it's the same price tag. The blood of Christ can redeem all.

If we are told to pray for the sick, the result depends on God. But if we are told to heal the sick, the result depends on us (Matt 17).

What hinders us from seeing the result is therefore, mind renewal (Romans 12:2).

Monday 12 December 2016

Healing Is Simple

Many healings in few days.

Hotel bellboy was healed completely. He asked, "When did you find out you have this ability?" I said, "It's Jesus who spoke to me and healed you. We are believers. Every believer can hear God's voice and heal the sick."

The Gospel cannot be reduced to men's ability and gifts. It has to be Jesus and His finished work.

Healing is simple. If you believe, you receive. If you don't believe, you don't receive.

While it should be the minister who stands in faith for the sick to be healed (James 5:14-15), healing works when either side of the party believes: either the minister (Matt 8:14-15; Mark 7:33-35) or the sick (Matt 9:29; Mark 5:34). As such, the minister should not think (or take credit) that it is him who gets the sick well. 

Note: Of course, we know that Jesus is the One who heals ultimately.

If we think that it is always the minister who gets the sick well, we reduce the simple message of the Gospel to men's ability and gifts. We look to the minister instead of Jesus. In this case, minister gets the glory instead of Jesus.

Thus, I love the fact that healing works even if the minister doesn't believe like Christ does. Believing is simply seeing what Christ sees. While the minister may not see what Christ sees when ministering healing, the sick can still believe and receive healing. It's the sick who gets himself healed. The minister acts as a mere instrument. I love this because it shows how simple the Gospel is. Simply believe.

We may wonder how the sick believes and receives healing when it's actually the minister who prays.

Romans 10:17 says that faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of Christ. The sick can hear the Gospel preached/shared by the minister, respond in faith and receive healing. The minister has nothing to do with the healing except to deliver the message and pray. Jesus gets the glory. But more often than not, we give the minister glory instead of Jesus. Because we use physical eyes to see: minister prays and the sick is healed. If we use spiritual eyes to see, we will know that it's not always the minister who believes.

In the first Kingdom Invasion in Singapore, a minister released many word of knowledge but saw little results of healing. He then realised that he forgot to share with the participants how to receive healing when a word of knowledge is released. He shared that when God releases a specific word of knowledge, He wants the person healed. So the person should respond and receive on the spot. After that sharing, he again released many word of knowledge and the results of healing were tremendous as compared to the previous session. The minister wasn't the one who got the sick healed. It was the sick who got themselves healed after hearing and understanding the message.

One healing minister shared that this is the reason why you can give fake word of knowledge from the pulpit and people will still get healed, because it isn't the minister's faith. It's the sick who responded in faith.

I believe that this is the same reason why a minister can pray for the sick in the first world country and the third world country and see different results. It's not always the minister who sees what Christ sees.

This is actually good because everyone gets to participate in appropriating the benefits of the Gospel. Jesus gets the glory. Yay God!

I was meditating on Ephesians 4:12-14 today. I wonder why we are taking a long time to reach the unity of the faith. Because the five-fold offices are supposed to equip the saints to DO the WORK of ministry. If every believer is equipped to do the work of the ministry, the church will be edified and come to the place of unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God. Because when you do the work and experience Him, it will alter your theology to align with the Gospel truth. When we share the same truth, we will represent the same Christ.

But the more we don't equip the believers to do it, the more we will look to the 'pulpit' minister. That perhaps results in different denominations and doctrines, with some thinking that Jesus doesn't always heal and with some thinking that healing is a spiritual gift that not all believers have. Healing is just one of the examples.

This is one reason why I stop ministering in a group setting where believers are present. We should get every believer to participate and do the work of ministry. That stops one-man show. And that awakens the true identity in every believer. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #equipping #simpleGospel #healingissimple #anyonecandoit #donotlooktominister #looktoJesusinyou

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Revelation of The Blood

If we have a clear revelation of the blood, we will have the revelation why we cannot be sick.

The blood removes us from the act of sin. In the sight of God, we are justified - just as if we have never sinned before. And if we have never sinned before (because of our Redeemer), we cannot be judged for sin, which means we cannot suffer the effects of sin - that is, sickness. We are judged in Christ. Sickness had been judged on the Cross, because Christ became sin for us.

Holy Spirit, I thank You that it is Your commitment and Your desire to reveal Christ to us, that we may know Him more and become like Him.


Christianity is not about changing your life. It's about receiving a brand new life.

If anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation. All things have passed away. Behold! All things have become new. - 2 Cor 5:17

Truth is a Person, not a principle. If you try to apply truth and hope for a change, you are in for failure. But if you receive Truth (He is the Truth) and rest in that Truth, the new life flows out of you.

It's not about changing your old life. It's about starting a new life. You don't live to become a new person. You live because you are a new person.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Giving Jesus Glory

Word of knowledge in a group/service setting imparts faith to the hearer so that he gets healed because of his faith, not because of the preacher. 

A speaker, at the first Kingdom Invasion in Singapore, released many WOK and saw little healing results. Because it's all about the speaker. 

He realised that he had to teach the hearers how to receive from Jesus directly so that they can receive healings effectively. True enough, after the teaching, when he gave many word of knowledge, many healings broke out.

It's faith in Jesus that releases the healing. We need to start giving Jesus glory instead of giving the man at the platform glory. It's about Jesus.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Miracles In Missions Field

The reason why miracles are easy in missions field is this: the third world people have faith in Jesus more than the preachers. It is what the people believe that gave them the miracles they needed. We are merely instruments pointing them to Jesus. God is so good in that as long as any side of the equation (preacher or people) believes, it will be done. There is nothing to take credit about when miracles happen in third world. Instead, there is much to learn from the local people. Simple faith. Simple trust. Simply believing.

Missions Trip In Surabaya

Passenger in flight, hotel staff, cafe baristas, toilet cleaner, food store uncle, cafe customers, security guard, bartenders, waiters and waitresses get healed in Jesus' name. Mini-healing revival breaks out in Indonesia.

It's a lifestyle. Where you walk, the King is revealed because He is always IN you.