Saturday 2 March 2024

God's Call For Your Life Part 2

God's Call For Your Life Part 2

As shared in the previous post, God's calling for every individual is the SAME --- to be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 8:29-30).

By trying to pray 'so hard' in search of God's calling for your life, you can get off-tracked in the Kingdom. For God has made it plain and clear in the Word about your calling.

He's less concerned about the job you do, the house you buy, the spouse you find, etc., than you conforming to His image. There is more liberty in what you can do than you realise.

Conforming to His image includes everything that Christ walked in, both power and love. Many people think Christ-likeness is just about character. It's more than that. It includes the resurrection power that Christ walked in.

"What job/course should I do?"
"Which spouse should I choose?"
"Which house should I buy?"

Well, you just get a job and be conformed to His image. You just buy a house and be conformed to His image. You get a spouse and be conformed to His image.

The call of God is priority --- conforming to His image. The rest is secondary. When we get it upside down, we miss the Kingdom.

"But God, what should I DO with my life?"

It's already in Mark 16:15-18; Matt 28:19-20; John 20:21-23; Luke 24:47.

Get into a course and DO what He already said.
Get a job and DO what He already said.
Get a spouse and DO what He already said.
Get a house and DO what He already said.

The MAIN thing is to obey His calling --- salvation unto Christ's image. What is secondary (job, course, spouse, house, and the list goes on) is of less significance.

When we understand what God's calling meant (which is the SAME for everyone), we can go into the secondary, which is NOT specific in the Bible. In other words, you have alot more freedom to choose and decide.

God is not some narrow-minded CEO deciding your job scope. He's not the traditional ancient Father deciding the spouse you should marry. The King empowers and delegates His authority to you.

Enough said about God's calling. There are some assigned works you might be doing and even within that, you have freedom to decide. But knowing these assigned works can make you effective in contributing to the distribution works in the Kingdom.

Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. - 1 Cor 7:17

Paul further explained in the chapter that you should remain in the condition in which you were called, whether married, slave or circumcised. Even the slave wasn't told to change his status after being called by God.

The word 'assigned' in Greek means 'distribute as properly needed'.

God, in His wisdom, has already distributed each individual for good works (Eph 2:10). If the call of God has to do with full-time ministries, then the world is finished because it is not distributed as properly needed.

We are all born into this world with different personalities, passion, abilities and life stories. These contributed to our distribution or what we have been assigned to.

What we simply need to find out is our distribution (what we have been assigned to). And that's not difficult. That doesn't take 40 days of fasting and praying, two appearances of angels, the sound of thunder, three sights of lightning and five trumpet blasts.

What is in your hand? What are you good at?
What is your heart desire?
What is your passion?
What is your life story?

More often than not, what you were redeemed FROM is what you are redeemed FOR. For God is our Redeemer.

Walking in what we have been distributed for makes us most effective in the Kingdom. And the result is that more people get gathered into the Father's house through us.

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