Thursday 2 November 2023

What Is Your Way Of Life?

Social media is not the way of life. We don't see the authenticity of life through the lens of social media.

Social media is meant to show off what is good and cover up what is bad.

It works extremely well because many people believe it. This is why digital marketing works.

Never compare yourself to a social media personality. You and I have an individual, unique life assignment designed by God where only you and I can walk it out.

Stop thinking that others are prettier because their photos are probably photoshopped. Even the face can be photoshopped. It's called cosmetic surgery which is way more common than you think.

Stop thinking that others are richer because they might be in debts, and/or living an unhappy, unfulfilled life.

Stop thinking that others are achieving alot in their lives, because their marriage is perhaps, breaking up; their kids are rebellious, etc.

Stop thinking that others are more spiritual, because they probably are infants in other areas of their lives. Look at how some use the public toilets and you will know that they are not that spiritual.

Stop thinking that others are owning lots of material stuff and traveling all over the world, because they might be running a rat race and selling their souls to money.

When we turn our thoughts away from social media influence and towards Him who loves us, we live in gratitude and contentment.

Social media never teaches you to grow in contentment. It never did and will never do so. Because it is not the way of life.

Pursue Christ, for He is Life and true Contentment.

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