Sunday 12 November 2023

Saturday 11 November

Saturday 11 November

I woke up in the morning with sudden, intense pain on one side of the stomach. Inexplicable pain. I curled into a ball on the bed. Broke out in cold sweat, feeling nausea, headache, etc.

I didn't share anything with my wife. But she knew that I was fighting the fight of faith. She knew that I would prefer to war through it without sharing any details.

She told me, "I will send J for his karate class today. You just rest at home."

For about 7 hours, the pain was constant. I had no appetite as I felt like vomiting. I was still curled into a ball. I commanded it to go, but eventually lost the energy to command further. After I had done all, my job was to stand. So I stood on the Word.

When she came back with J and saw me in pain and curled up, she couldn't resist anymore. She asked, "Where is the pain? What kind of pain are you experiencing? Did you eat anything? Please tell me everything."

After sharing the pain symptoms, she said, "I don't care. I'm going to feed you with a piece of plain bread and I'm going to have you take the painkillers."

She fed me with the bread and brought two panadol pills to the front of my mouth. She said, "Please take it. So that I can rule out that it's not appendicitis. If the pain doesn't go off, you need to do something."

I kept in silent but refused to open my mouth. She said, "I know you won't go to the doctor. But please, at least take the painkillers so that we can narrow down the possibility. You are in such pain and you are still so stubborn."

My son came beside me and said, "Papa, please take it for my sake. Please, Papa."

The fight is real because every ounce of your mind will tell you to go for the easy way out; take the pills and deal with the pain quickly. Afterall, I have withstood for 7 hours.

My wife decided to leave the pills on the table and allowed me to make my own decision. Both my son and her proceeded to command the pain to leave.

My son kept pestering me to take, but I kept delaying by saying, "Later."

All of the sudden, the pain just disappeared miraculously. Not even an ounce of pain was left. It disappeared suddenly. While I expected this to happen, it was still unexpected, if you know what I meant.

Both of them burst in praises to God. So did I. What I have shown my son and wife over and over again is the fight of faith, in depending on Jehovah Rapha.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against medication. But I preach healing and I minister healing, so I have to walk things out so that my message carries truth as well as strong conviction.

The fight of faith is not always instantaneous. Because the fight of faith is simply to stand on the Word. After you have done all, will you be moved or stay grounded?

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