Friday 11 August 2023

Your Condition Is Not Your Position

Your Condition Is Not Your Position

By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff. - Heb 11:21

God in the Spirit recorded Jacob's faith in this manner.

Jacob was dying. Physically, he was not in the best condition. Yet he released blessings on his grandchildren, with his attention on God in worship.

God saw that as faith.

The enemy loves to point to your condition. When you look to your condition, faith is diminished. But when you give your attention to God in worship, what you see is your position ----- your identity in Christ.

When you look to your position, faith is there to move mountains.

"Who are you to minister to the sick, when you are struggling physically?"

"Who are you to bless others, when you are struggling financially?"

"Who are you to talk about the power of the Gospel, when you are struggling with sin?"

The devil points to your condition. But you must point to your position.

"The Christ in me will heal the sick."
"The Christ in me will bless others."
"The Christ in me will demonstrate the power of the Gospel."

When you look to your position, God sees that as faith.

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