Saturday 12 August 2023

The Power of Endurance

The Power of Endurance

The opposite of fear is not faith. It's love. Perfect love casts out fear. You can't deal with fears in your life by commanding them to leave. You deal with fears by receiving the love of God in those areas.

The opposite of faith is not fear. It's sight. We walk by faith, not by sight. What's paradoxical is that faith is still a form of sight ----- you see the unseen, instead of seeing the seen.

By faith he left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible. - Heb 11:27

How long do we have to walk by faith for a promise? As long as the unseen has not become seen. For when it has become seen, you no longer need faith.

Enduring through seeing the unseen is challenging. Because life in itself, in every way, will try to knock you off from the spiritual sight into physical sight. It wants you to see the reality.

This is when the Word of God is of priority. You can see prophetically into visions, dreams and use the power of your imagination to see into the unseen. But you can't endure through seeing this way for an extended period of time.

But you can see the Word and endure through. Since faith is the evidence of things unseen (Heb 11:1) and faith comes from the Word (Rom 10:17), when you see the Word, you are seeing the unseen.

When you see the Word, you are seeing Him who is invisible (Heb 11:27). The Word is the source of your strength and the power of your endurance.

When we train ourselves to stick to seeing the Word, we are training ourselves in endurance as seeing Him who is invisible.

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