Monday 7 August 2023

The Person of Grace

The Person Of Grace

Grace is a Person. His name is Jesus. When you make demands of Him, you make demands of Grace.

Grace is unfair. It never is. You don't expect a level playing field. I always tell my son, "Life is not fair. But God is good." If we want life to be fair, we deserve hell.

Someone can be doing way less in life, but blessed way more than you. Because Grace is never fair. You can be working really hard but end up grumbling, comparing and competing, because you wonder why you get blessed way less than others. Because Grace is never fair.

We need to see the world through the lens of Grace. People will demand grace from you, but you can't demand grace from them. I have met so many people who don't do good unto you what you do good unto them. Because Grace is not fair.

If we think that we should respond to people without grace, because of how they respond to you without grace, you manifest the world. You cannot overcome the world with the world.

Since Grace is a Person and He lives in us, when people make demands of us, we still need to learn to let Grace flow out (instead of the flesh), regardless of whether they are gracious or not. Because we must live in response to Him instead of people.

People who make demands of us have either not met Grace, or have not allowed His Grace to penetrate their lives. So when we manifest Grace, they encounter Him.

I find joy in going after living in response to Him rather than the world around me. Because the world's demands will seek to remove joy from you but when we place our focus and attention on Him, He supplies Grace to meet the demands of the world. 

The Person of Grace lives inside every believer. Therefore, we can overcome the world by the Power of His Grace.

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