Friday 7 July 2023

Test His Faithfulness

Test His Faithfulness

Wilderness is not a test on your faith. It's a test on His faithfulness. Since Christ lives IN you, and you IN Him, when wilderness comes, the One IN you gets tested.

“Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness, where your fathers put Me to the test and saw My works for forty years." - Heb 3:8-9

Wilderness puts God to the test ----- on His faithfulness. Since He is faithful and He never fails, He ALWAYS passes the test.

Christ lives IN you. The Faithful One lives IN you. 

When you are faced with a challenge, when you are walking in the wilderness, when you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, your eyes must not look to yourself. You look to the Author and the Finisher of faith, for He is faithful!

You put Him to the test. Test how good He is. Test how faithful He is. Test how powerful He is. Test how loving He is.

Every wilderness is an opportunity to put God to the test, and recognise that He lives in you.

When you realise that wilderness is NOT about you, when you forget yourself completely in the wilderness and focuses on Him who is being put to the test, you will always come out victorious. For the Victor lives in you!

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