Wednesday 26 July 2023



The Bible is full of encounters, but even more so in the Word of truth.

John, Peter, Paul, etc. all wrote so much about the Word. Yes, they had encounters with Jesus. But they were so rooted in truths.

Some of us are yearning for encounters, because you were taught the Word since you were born. You grew up in the church. You went to Sunday schools, youth groups, and finally adult services. But you almost never had encounters with God.

1) You are not defined by any encounter with God. You are defined by what Christ has done for you on the Cross.

2) Going after encounters is fine, but they don't mark your life. The Author of Life is the one who marks you.

3) It is not the encounter, but what you do with the encounter that changes you. Mind renewal is the only way for transformation (Rom 12:2).

4) It is not difficult to encounter God, if you focus on the Word and DO the Word. It's not a charismatic kind of encounter where you fall backwards, shake, laugh, vibrate, or whatsoever. That's fine but not life-changing. What you want is a Word-experience where you see the Word coming alive in and through your life.

i.e. The Word tells you to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. If you do it consistently, you will encounter God. It's a Word-experience due to obedience to His Word.

Word -> Obey -> Encounter

5) If you can believe God purely based on His Word, despite not seeing an encounter yet, you are extremely blessed (Jn 20:29). And your faith is MORE steadfast than anyone who goes from encounters to encounters.

Staying in the Word, abiding in the Word and living in the Word supersedes every charismatic encounter, because you will become God's ENCOUNTER for the world.

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