Saturday 29 July 2023



Throughout history, all who claimed that they could live forever without experiencing first physical death, died.

There are some who teach immortality using the Bible. But the Scriptures are all quoted out of context.

A text without the context always becomes a pretext for a proof text.

And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him. - Heb 9:27-28

Man is appointed to die once. In this context, it is referring to physical death, not spiritual death. Read the whole chapter.

After the first physical death, judgment comes for men. But for believers, bodily redemption comes. There are so many Scriptures that talk about this. Jesus has not yet destroyed the last enemy (1 Cor 15:26), which is bodily death.

While it is appointed for men to die once, the Bible does not say WHEN men are appointed to die. So neither should we swing to the other extreme to say that God is calling someone home because his time is up and appointed by God.

Divine health is possible for believers, but not immortality because it is not biblical. Period.

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