Wednesday 21 June 2023

When you show up, He shows up

There was an unending queue as people waited patiently for their turn to be read spiritually. People need hope for the present and future.

Two ladies sat down.

We said, "Anna. Does the name mean anything?"

The lady said, "That's my name." We continued, "You have three relationships and they all ended up the same. You didn't want each guy to be the same as the previous one. But you ended up with the same kind of guy who devalued you."

She nodded and went, "That is so accurate." We said, "But there is One who values you. And when you know Him, you will not be seeking for other men to find that value in you."

We turned to the other lady and said, "Do you have strain on your left shoulder?" She said, "Yes. I have cold shoulder."

We said, "You lift it up first and see how far you can go." She did.

Then we released healing. She got completely healed, and said, "Will this last?" We said, "Yes." And proceeded to share our personal healing testimony from an incurable disease.

Then we asked, "How is your relationship with your mum?" She replied, "Not good."

We added, "In fact, there is bitterness. And you have decided that you will never want to be like your mum. But there is going to be a reconcilation between both of you."

She was surprised. We prayed for her and shared Jesus with the two of them.

Next, we had another group who sat down. We told one of the ladies, "We don't really have anything specific for you. Do you have a question that you want to ask us?"

From a very joyful and bubbly countenance, she started sharing and pouring out her burden, and began to cry uncontrollably.

We prayed for her, shared the Gospel with her and invited her to believe in the Kingdom. She told us that she is not ready, which is totally fine.

What's the point of sharing this contrast?

While it is good to give people a divine encounter with God through the prophetic and miracles/healings, the simplicity of your presence can point someone to Jesus, because Christ (His presence) lives in you and through you. 

There is no pressure to do the miraculous because His Presence is sure and marvelous, and He is more zealous to reach the one in front of you than you.

When you show up, He shows up.

P.S: We have no affiliation with Isaiah 45 boutique shop. Just happened to set up the table there because the shop was closed at that hour.

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