Friday 30 June 2023

The True Mystery

We tend to like to pick one obscure verse and amplifies it. We want to excite people. We want to mystify the Gospel, especially those in the mystical Christianity. We want to have special and secretive revelations which the Bible does NOT teach.

The Bible says that the greatest mystery has ALREADY been revealed, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). Yes, angels are real. Gold dust, angels' feathers, gemstones, and various phenomenons can be real. But they are not the true revelation revealed by God.

Of the angels He says, “He makes His angels winds, and His ministers a flame of fire.” - Heb 1:7

Then the charismatic, prophetic people like to zoom into the verse above and talk about angels and ministers as a flame of fire.

But the whole context of this passage is neglected. Because the writer was TALKING ABOUT supremacy of CHRIST! The next verse starts with 'BUT'.

But of the Son He says, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever..." - Heb 1:8

'BUT' is the comparison! Jesus is GREATER. The focus is on CHRIST alone!

True empowerment is to exalt Christ and nothing else. It's to preach and teach Christ and nothing else. It's to reveal the mystery of what is already revealed ----- Christ IN us, the hope of glory!

This revelation is not secretive, special or mystical. You are not into Gnosticism. You are into the Gospel, which God has graciously and freely given to all to know Him.

Stop hindering and dis-empowering people from knowing who they are in Him.

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