Wednesday 21 June 2023

Holy Spirit Programmed Into You

Just came out of Interweave condo as I was there to conduct viewing for a rental unit.

Approached the two security guards who were sitting down and asked one of them, "You have a problem with your left knee?"

She replied, "Yeah." Ministered and she was healed. Then I released a prophetic word on her.

The other security guard saw what happened and said, "Wah. What about me?"

I said, "Your lower back?" She nodded, "Yes. Sprained twice." I added, "You have an uneven spine. Did anyone tell you that?"

She answered, "Yes. I know that."

Got her to straighten both legs and the left one was longer (due to uneven spine). So I got her colleague to be the witness. She said, "Her left leg is longer."

Ministered and the spine became even and straight (so it appeared as though the right leg grew out). She tested her back and was healed. She quickly added, "I have a digestive issue. Constipate often." So I released healing (and will be back to check on her when I conduct a viewing the next round).

What's the point of this sharing?

You don't need to set up a booth or/and have an outreach event in order to reach out to people.

Your life is an outreach. There are opportunities everywhere you go. 

You reach out AS you go about your daily life.
You reach out during an outreach event.
You reach out on social media platforms.

There is no need to plan or wait for another programme. God in Christ has programmed the Holy Spirit (The Evangelist) into you so that you can manifest His Kingdom where you tread your feet on.

He is Alive and so are you.

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