Saturday 28 January 2023

Whole Armour of God Part 2

Whole Armour of God Part 2

The Whole Armour of God includes 'putting on the breastplate of righteousness' (Eph 6:14)

1 Thes 5:8 says 'the breastplate of faith and love'. Is there a difference?

The same author understood that righteousness comes by love (grace) through faith (Rom 1:17; 3:22-25). So when you put on faith, you are putting on righteousness.

The word 'put on' in the Greek is like 'sinking into a garment'. You clothe yourself with Christ (Rom 13:14) and hide yourself in Him (Col 3:3). The more you cannot be seen, the more Christ is seen. We want the enemy to see Christ, not us. Otherwise, we become his target board.

The word 'breastplate' in the Greek is 'what protects the heart and its emotions (desires) as they bear on our decisions'. When we clothe ourselves with Christ, we intentionally make decisions that reflect His (according to His Word). We have been crucified with Him. It is no longer us who live but He lives in and through us (Gal 2:20). In other words, we act like Him.

The word 'righteousness' is simply God's approval. When God sees us, He sees Christ, since we are clothed with Him. God's approval is on Christ. As Christ is approved, so are we in this world.

With the breastplate of righteousness in place, we can advance and attack the enemy. Even when he tries to disarm us, saying, "Who are you, sinner who has bad behaviours and isn't perfect?", you reply, "Who are you talking to? Christ is here. Righteousness is standing here. So you are now the target board."

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