Wednesday 25 January 2023

True Empowerment

True Empowerment

The word 'empower' comes from the word 'en' (impart) and 'power' (dunamis aka God's miraculous ability/power).

Since 'dunamis' only comes when you receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), 'to empower' doesn't mean that you impart God's power to other people, because that will make you become the Holy Spirit.

On the contrary, 'to empower' means that you impart (make able) truth to others such that they realise that the Holy Spirit is in them, for He is the One who gives dunamis --- God's miraculous power.

True empowerment points people AWAY from you and UNTO the Holy Spirit, for it is the Christ in them that is the Hope of Glory.

P.S: If anyone practises gift/power impartation (apart from the laying on of hands for the baptism of the Holy Spirit), he cancels true empowerment and points people to himself. No matter how much he preaches on empowering others, his work cancels his words.

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