Friday 27 January 2023

The Old Has Gone

The Old Has Gone

I feel like the first pan-there-meek in our days is over. And it's time to move on from the vekseen thingy, and to be ready for the next one.

There is enough truth revealed about the lies of the vekseen. There are enough severe adverse effects, cardiac arrest and deaths all over the world, which is caused by the vekseen. 

Those who see it have seen it. Those who choose not to see it will not see it. Those who have taken it have taken it. Those who have not will not be taking. There is no point debating and seeking for an answer anymore. The time is over. The old has gone.

This pan-there-meek has further separated the Kingdom and the churchianity. It has also separated some relationships, at least for me. 

This is needed, not because it is intentional, but because the lump that is not leavened will become divided from the lump that is leavened. The two just cannot be mixed together in depth.

When we live against the culture of the world, we become discerning and quick to recognise and connect with those who are of the Kingdom.

The new is here...

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