Friday 15 April 2022

Good Friday Thoughts Part 2

Good Friday Thoughts Part 2

In Him we live and move and have our being.

Union with Christ was made possible when He died our death and destroyed the power of Death.

Sin reveals who you are not meant to be. The Son reveals who you are meant to be.

Jesus took our sin’s identity on the Cross so that we can take His sonship identity.

When Christ was crucified, the sin of humanity was not just covered, but removed. He reconciled the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them. It was a sin’s issue. Now it’s a faith issue.

Good Friday is not about mourning over your past sins. It's to remember your sonship and the mystical union with Him, for which the principalities and the earth did not comprehend.

It is so mystical yet simple that we miss the very essence of Christianity —— Christ is not just in heaven; He is not just in the atmosphere; but He is IN you.

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