Friday 15 April 2022

Dominion In The Promised Land

Dominion In The Promised Land

For the believers, the Promised Land is not heaven. There is nothing to fight in heaven. It is right here on earth.

Taking dominion is the way to the Promised Land. In fact, everything has already been given into our hands. It's the Promised Spirit in the New Covenant. But we still need to resist, fight and tread upon serpents and scorpions, and all the power of the enemy.

Every territory has already been given to us. We just need walk into it. The refusal to take another step is why we don't see the Promised Land in our lives.

Complaining does not improve the earth. Neither does obeying wrongly improve the earth. Jesus, in the Lord's Prayer, said, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

This is the model of His original intent. Heaven on earth. In other words, heaven is where we obey and submit to, so that we can walk in that authority to take dominion on earth to enter the Promised Land.

The context of the whole counsel of the Bible is more supreme than just the context of a passage in the Bible. When we don't understand the model of Heaven on earth, we will submit and obey blindly even when earth does not reflect heaven.

Kingdom submission has heaven in mind and earth in action (dominion).

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