Tuesday 19 April 2022

Divine Encounters in Business

Saw this screenshot as I was clearing some photos/videos on my phone, due to insufficient memory space.

One of the things that I do when I reach an owner’s place early for viewing is to pray in tongues, if the owner is not around. I want to be so aware of His presence that His manifest presence can flow through me into the atmosphere in the house.

Sometimes, I minister to the buyers. Sometimes, I minister to the sellers. To me, there is no separation between secular and spiritual. The Kingdom is either all or none.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but I trust in the name of the Lord our God. - Psalm 20:7

The non-believers can sense the manifest presence of God when they are around you. Sometimes, it’s in the form of peace; sometimes, comfort (since the Comforter lives in you and me); sometimes, with manifested form of feelings, etc.

It should be natural to walk supernaturally because we are people of the Kingdom. The way we do things may defy logic and human wisdom; it may be different from experts’ views & practices, but God’s way is always powerful and effective. There is power in trusting Him.

In the end, the buyer decided to take up my seller’s unit with no reason except the feeling of comfort. Many people will actually avoid the view of the unit.

Human wisdom is about trying harder. God’s wisdom is about trusting deeper. It’s not about how capable I am. It’s about how good and amazing He is. I love to be surprised by His goodness.

I desire to have many supernatural encounters of doing my business, so that the Kingdom is manifested and the King is glorified among the non-believers. I don’t want them to say, “Wilson, you are so good!” I would rather they say, “Wow there is really a God in your life!”

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