Monday 19 October 2020

Health For Your Body

For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. - Prov 4:22

The Word of God is health to ALL our flesh. The Jubilee Bible translation says that it is 'medicine' to all our flesh. The word 'health' in Hebrew can also literally refer to 'medicine'.

People are diligent to take their supplements and vitamins every single day in order to stay healthy. If some are sick, they would religiously take their medicine according to what the doctors have prescribed. Others would exercise regimentally and regularly to keep themselves healthy.

But the most important key to divine health is none of the above. It is found in the Word of God. The Word of God is HEALTH and MEDICINE to every part of our body!

How often do we consume the Word every single day? If we can literally take vitamin pills and/or medicine 3 times a day, why don't we take the Word of God as chief vitamins and medicine 3 times a day?

Why do we trust doctors, dieticians and fitness instructors more than the God of all flesh? Why do we place our faith in what is fallible instead of what is infallible?

People asked me why I would eat potato chips at wee hours. Some think that I am putting God to the test. Well, I am not. God doesn't need to be tested. He has perfect integrity and His Word does not return to Him void. It is us who need to be tested. Who do we trust? In Him or in ourselves?

I have seen many personal healings by consuming potato chips. Because my focus is not on what goes into my body, but what comes out of it. It is not what you eat that defiles you, but what comes out of your mouth (Mark 7:15). This is why Joshua 1:8 says that the Word of God should not depart from your mouth; in other words, what comes out of your mouth should be an overflow of your belief system (Matt 12:34).

My mind is thinking about Scriptures in relation to health and healing when I consume my potato chips (and enjoying them). You can take all the vitamins and supplements, and exercise all you want, but if your belief system is not filled with God's prescription, all your works are in vain and that is not the key to divine health.

In this world, nothing that enters your mouth is not fallen. Every single edible thing has fallen since the Fall. So if your trust is not in the invisible Redemption, it will not produce life and health in your body.

The Word is certain, sure and faithful. It says that the Word of God is HEALTH to all your flesh (every part of your body). It is either you believe and start taking the Word as your food, or you can choose to place your confidence elsewhere according to the world's method.

Choosing LIFE means choosing the Word.

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