Sunday 18 October 2020

Discerning of spirits

The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

In the same way, He bears witness with our spirit when someone is operating from a different manner of spirit.

Since we are to regard no one according to the flesh (2 Cor 5:16), discerning of spirits is needed to see beyond the appearance, attitude, position, behaviours and words of a person.

Demonic manifestation is a low level darkness. Angels of light are of higher level darkness (Eph 5:8; 2 Cor 11:14-15) because they look like one of us in the same arena.

The simplest way to grow in discerning of spirits is to know the Spirit of Truth, who happens to be the Spirit of liberty. For only Truth will set one free (John 8:32). If you don’t know the Word of Truth, you don’t know the Spirit of Truth, and your discernment will be affected.

Today, the angels of light are working hard to keep believers in the four walls of the church in the name of wisdom, which is fear in disguise; in the name of peace, which is status quo in disguise; in the name of righteousness, which is works of the law & bondage in disguise.

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