Tuesday 28 July 2020

The Kingdom's Reality

The Kingdom's Reality

On earth, you access the kingdom by faith.

In heaven, you access the kingdom by reality.

Faith is what brings heaven's reality on earth. You don't need faith when you are in heaven. You need it on earth.

Therefore, you can access the redemption of soul and body (divine health and divine protection) by faith (1 Thes 5:23; Eph 1:7, 11, 14).

How you enter the kingdom is how you access and live in the kingdom ---- by faith.

The kingdom is NOW (by faith) and not yet (by reality). But faith is what brings reality on earth. If you are simply waiting for the sweet by and by to experience reality on earth, you are not living by faith and fail to understand righteousness. For the  righteous shall live by faith (Gal 3:11).

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