Monday 3 August 2020

The Kingdom Is Now And Not Yet

The kingdom is both NOW and not yet.

For many, it means that sometimes, healing and certain promises of God are not on this side of the world because the kingdom is not yet fully established until the return of Christ. As such, it is believed that we can experience a glimpse of that kingdom now, but not always. This is how people reason out their responsibility to grow in faith when things don’t happen.

I beg to differ. In the fully established kingdom, you don’t need any healing or promises of God because faith is no longer needed. It becomes a reality which you don’t need any faith for. You no longer live by faith in that kingdom. You can throw faith out.

Faith is always NOW. It is for the NOW. The kingdom that is not yet can become the kingdom NOW simply by faith. Without faith, you will never experience His kingdom on this side of the world. You will only experience it in heaven. You can live a normal life without any growth if you are simply waiting for the future to come.

The Kingdom is NOW if you live by faith.
The Kingdom is not yet if you live without.

Eventually you will still experience the kingdom on the other side of the world when it becomes everyone’s reality.

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