Friday 19 June 2020

Raising The Dead

Raising the dead falls in the same category as healing the sick (Matt 10:8).

What does it mean? 

- We don't need more special anointing to raise the dead.
- We don't need to first see muscle ache healed before we can slowly grow to see the dead raised. There is no progression since healing the sick and raising the dead are all on the same level from God's perspective.
- We don't need to be a believer for one century before we can see the dead raised
- We don't need more faith to raise the dead than to heal the sick. 

We just need to get unbelief out of us (get out of the box and destroy it), so that we can see what He sees and manifests what He manifests.

Come on, we need to see this more in first world countries!

P.S: A new believer probably can see more dead raised than an old believer because he wasn't taught what is NOT possible with the Holy Spirit within.

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