Tuesday 23 June 2020

Dead Raising Team SG (DRT)

Raising the dead and healing the sick are the SAME.

Matt 10:8 says “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, *raise the dead*, cast out demons. Freely you receive, freely give.”

Matt 28:19-20 says, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to *obey everything that I have commanded you*, and surely I will be with you to the very end of the age.”

The Great Commission includes healing the sick and raising the dead. Since Jesus put them in the same verse (Matt 10:8) and same category, it means that when Christ paid for healing with His body, He also paid for restoration of physical life with the same body. It is not harder because it is the same in heaven’s perspective.

We are the ones who think that raising the dead is harder because we hardly or never see a dead raised in Singapore. We haven’t stepped out in faith and boldness to challenge the social norms. We go straight to conducting a wake service when someone dies, without even trying to command death to leave and life to come back.

It’s about mind renewal (Romans 12:2). Getting unbelief out of us and seeing from heaven’s perspective (Matt 17:20; Mark 11:23-24) so that we can manifest the life of Christ to others.

We will raise the dead for the following:

- Someone who dies of sickness (John 11:38-44)
- Someone who dies prematurely (Acts 9:36-42; Mark 5:35-43; Luke 7:11-17)
- Someone who dies of an accident (Acts 20:7-12)

As this is a sensitive issue, we will only step in, based on the following:
1) A family requests us to.

2) We request so, and the family agrees.

3) This will be an adhoc basis which requires physical presence (not over any online platform).

*Important note*
- No love gift is to be collected from the decease’s family for this work of the ministry

- We can choose to give white gold (love gift) to the decease’s family, but with NO obligation. Based on freewill giving. Cos our main purpose is to raise the dead.

- Do not put pressure or force any family to let us raise the dead. Be very tactful on this.

- Should the dead not be raised, we will comfort the family with the peace of God.

- Don’t try to give the family a reason why the dead is not raised. We are there to love, not on theological debate. Simply apologise if nothing happens.

Will share about the practicality soon.... We shall see the dead raised in the first world country Singapore!

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