Thursday 4 June 2020

Anointing & Impartation Part 1

Anointing & Impartation Part 1

The anointing has to do with your position of sonship (Luke 4:18; 2 Cor 1:21-22; Acts 10:38; Gal 4:6; 1 John 2:20, 27), not power.

Power comes from the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

If you are born again, you are anointed. Because you are anointed, the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you receive power.

Christ the Messiah (John 4:25; in the Greek, it literally means "the Anointed One"; cross-reference: Matt 1:1) lives IN you (Col 1:27). That makes you as anointed as He is (1 John 4:17; Col 3:3).

There is only one anointing in the New Covenant and one Holy Spirit who is the source of all the gifts (1 Cor 12:4).

You don't need an impartation because you have the fullness of Christ and the Holy Spirit (Col 2:9; John 3:34).

Anyone who teaches that you have the same anointing and the same Holy Spirit, but asks you to come forward for an impartation to get what he has, is disempowering a believer in his identity, sonship and the Christ in him. That actually lifts him/her up but puts the ordinary believer down and contradicts the message of Christ-centred Gospel.

I seldom share these incidents, but the testimonies are meant to align our experiences to the truth in the Word so that one can be free to walk in it (John 8:32).

There were different instances where a few believers saw what I was doing in the streets and came to me, asking for an impartation of the gift of healing. I said, "No. You already have what I have. It's called the Holy Spirit." Then I got them to immediately lay hands on the sick. They saw the sick healed through them for the first time. There was no impartation involved. No transferring of whatever holy sacred cow's anointing.

It's simply by grace through faith. That's the bottom line of Christianity. Adding anything extra-biblical to it will cause a bottleneck.

I'm not a conservative nor a charismatic; neither am I optimistic or pessimistic (pun intended). I'm just a Bible-believing child of God.

I believe in the simplicity of the Gospel because we have a simple, loving Father who sent His Son to die for our sin and restore our value of sonship.

You are as anointed as the God of Man (Christ), not any man of God. Know your identity, sonship and value and you will walk in that confidence.

In Part 2, we will explore the Scriptures on the so-called impartation of spiritual holy cow sacred gifts.

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