Friday 17 January 2020

The Principle of the Kingdom for Own Healing

The Principle of the Kingdom for Own Healing

For a believer, the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:20; Matt 12:28; Romans 14:17). For a non-believer, the kingdom of God is at hand (near him).

Based on the truth, it should be easier to be healed personally than to minister healing to others. Furthermore, God is first "My" Father. To the degree we understand that truth, to that degree we can receive from Him.

In reality, however, many of us find it easier to minister healing to others than to receive own healing. The hindrance is often because we subconsciously think that it is "harder" for self-healing (as we went through real symptoms in our bodies for many years).

This thinking has to change by the renewing of our mind as we keep pounding and going after truth. The reality of our experience cannot be greater than the reality of His truth.

For believers, we are not to live from healing to healing. It's from healing to divine health. We are growing in that and we need to keep growing. No one is there instantly. We just need to keep going after it.

Few days ago, I felt abit chilly close to midnight. The body felt warm on the outside, but cold on the inside. So I let the law of the Spirit of Life flows from my spirit through my soul to my body. The kingdom always flows from within. Our spirit and His Spirit are one.

The soul is the "medium" for the Spirit of Life to flow into the body. The soul consists of mind, emotions and will. We can direct all of them for the Spirit of Life to flow into our body. I learnt that by self-healing as well as a personal confirmation when ministering to a lady some time ago.

Mind: You direct your mind by thinking it. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. (Prov 23:7) This is the seat of thought in our heart. Your thinking creates an intent / a desire.

Emotions: You direct your emotions by desiring it / intending it. This is not a 'feel-good' thingy where you have goosebumps. You don't have to feel anything. It is truth-desire (Prov 13:12; Ps 37:4).

Will: You direct your will by believing it. Because you receive what you believe, not what you pray (Mark 11:24).

Speaking can help to release the Spirit of Life to our bodies (Song of Songs 4:11 TPT), though it is not necessary as long as you believe.

Spirit of Life -> Soul (Thinking -> Desiring -> Believing) -> Body

This is not New Age by the way. They copied from us. We are the original.

As I let the Spirit of Life out, within a few minutes, the symptoms disappeared. However, I felt a little discomfort on my throat. The thought of eating potato chips somehow quickly flashed across my mind. But I said to myself, "I don't want to rely on chips."

I believe in applying the same principle which is timeless. But the medium can be changed. I went to take a big piece of bah kwa (barbequed pork) and thanked Him while consuming it. After finishing the yummy bah kwa, the last symptom disappeared. Jesus!

When some people heard the way I received my healing, it defied their logic. It's absurd to some. That's because we have lived in this world for so long since we are born, that our mind has been conformed to the patterns of this world.

The world triumphs on health supplements. That's a very lucrative industry ($37 USD billion per year). People run businesses selling those stuff as well as organic food products to earn ALOT of money. Even the medical world feeds on this to boost the country's economy and pay the doctors well (sorry doctor friends, I have to be plain honest about the medical world). Even if there are alternatives, it will seldom be shared or revealed at the expense of the pharmaceutical industry. One must know that medical researches are often skewed depending on who the sponsor is. We can be informed but we cannot be conformed.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that doctors are bad. They have saved lives and we need to accord them the honour. I am referring to the medical system which they are operating from ---- that has limitations and agenda.

Instead of growing our knowledge by gaining more medical information, we (myself included) need to grow in our understanding by gaining more revelation on divine health and healing. #divinehealth #kingdomlife

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