Tuesday 28 January 2020



The needs and the demands around us are beyond what an individual can handle. You and I are not the saviour of the world. Jesus is.

This is why we need to empower more people instead of pure feeding. Fish for them and they will never grow. Teach them to fish and they will feed others. This cycle of empowerment must continue.

The Body of Christ needs to start to collaborate (not in events and conferences, but in actual partnership of ministry, by which I mean the ministry of reconciliation) and empower normal believers (not a selected group) to do the work of ministry.

The church attendance is all growing exponentially but the kingdom is not expanding simultaneously because of a lack of empowerment. Every believer can do visitation, minister healing, and meet the needs. No one is INDISPENSABLE nor 'UNUSEABLE' in the work of ministry. Everyone is equally significant in playing a part in the kingdom.

We need to stop focusing on the ministers of Christ who didn't die for you and start focusing on Christ the Minister who died for you and lives in you.

We need to stop looking to the so-called holy men of God and start looking to the God of men, in whom we live and move and have our being.

Only when we realise that can true empowerment begins.

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