Saturday 11 January 2020


So humbled by these that are coming in from the West...
Seeing these things either make you proud or drive you into worship. It actually broke me and kept me vulnerable before Him.
There is nothing good in me. But abiding in Him brings the fruit. For apart from Him, we can do nothing.
What a privilege to let the Divine One express Himself through an ordinary boy who is only a mere father and a hubby. 
I put off every public figure’s endorsement for this book, so that I could see God’s handprints and His endorsement directly. An unknown figure in this Asian country from a small little dot is used by the God of the Universe to bless others. How He uses the weak to shame the wise.
To stay off the ministry platform is the desire of my heart, so that I can see more sons and daughters walking out their identity —- ordinary people with an extraordinary Father. 
I’m seeing a new and young generation who are moving away from the pulpit ministry and focusing on the diligent study of the Word ministry through normal believers (the Body of Christ) so that they can truly empower one another outside the four walls of religion. We don’t need more speakers. We need more learners and doers of the Word.
Enough of superstars and public figures. It’s time to go back to the whole of God’s family living the kingdom out. No one is excluded. You are IN. #humbled #worship #everybeliever

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