Sunday 5 May 2019

Recognising His Voice

But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?” They answered Him, “No.” - John 21:4-5

Jesus had been with the disciples for 3.5 years. Surely they would recognise His voice if it remained the same. However, they only recognise after Jesus did a miracle (John 21:7).

It was highly probable that Jesus came in a different form (Luke 24:15-16; Mark 16:12). To see Jesus in the Word is more important than to see Jesus in His form. Similarly, to hear Jesus in the Word is more important than to hear Jesus in His voice. The Word is the main foundation for recognising His voice.

Why is that so? To recognise His voice, one needs to first recognise His heart.

Israel knew God's works, but Moses knew His way (Ps 103:7). Because Moses knew His way, he knew His heart and recognised His voice.

Today, we have the privilege to have The Way (Jesus) in us. We can know His heart because we have The Way and thus, we can know His Way.

But there will be times when we don't seem to grasp hold of His voice, either because He speaks in a 'different form' (for God speaks in so many ways) or we simply get so stuck with our circumstances that we miss His voice.

The key to recognise His voice in such case is then, to look for His works. Because His works always reveal His way, and His way leads to His heart.

John, the disciple who understood Jesus' love and His heart, was the ONLY ONE who recognised His voice after seeing His works (John 21:7). This tells us something... the foundation for recognising His voice lies in knowing His love grounded in the Word of truth. God, in His grace, has given us so much to hear from Him. It is hard to miss Him. 

Because He is a good Father who longs to speak to His sons and daughters. Because He is a good Shepherd whose sheep hear His voice. Because He is the Lion of Judah who has overcome every other voice of distraction.

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