Tuesday 30 April 2019

Live Chat - Customer Service

This has happened a number of times but it is always beautiful how God transcends all mediums in reaching the lost.

Usually, customer service officers (whether on phone or live chat) will need to remain professional because the conversations are recorded / documented. And we should try to be as respectful as we can when reaching them. 

(Not in time to snapshot the whole conversation as she ended the chat).

This one was a tougher one as she remained very professional. Yet I gently persisted to let her know who Christ is. It is important that we give and show someone Christ, than to forcefully or misleadingly lead them to Christ. God is not into you clocking numbers. He is into you loving people.

You don't need an outreach booth, a platform or an event to reach someone. Every day is an opportunity as you go about your daily routine and handle your real need. Your platform to preach is not the pulpit, a healing meeting or a service. If you need a pulpit, then it's better that you close your armpit and go to the sand pit (pun intended). You can preach to the waves and the sea creatures there.

Your platform is people. Whoever crosses your path is the platform for Christ to reveal Himself. More often, it is what you do when nobody sees that represents your heart for the lost.

Many people like to show off. But few people simply show up when nobody does. God likes to show Christ off when we simply show up when nobody is watching. #dailyhealings #collectingpayment #everydayChristianity

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