Monday 1 April 2019

Financial Prosperity

Financial Prosperity

Financial prosperity is often a grey area.

For the non-believers, it’s about trusting in self and methods to produce wealth. Often, the end result is broken families, health implications and lost relationships at the expense of great wealth.

For some believers, it’s about trusting in Him passively —— waiting for finances to drop from heaven, or a sudden offer to have a high-paying job.

The Bible says that it is Him who gave us the power to produce wealth (Deut 8:18). The power (same root word used in Deut 8:18) was given on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 1:8). In other words, there is a partnership required between Him and us —- to produce wealth.

We can depend on His wisdom in and through us to produce wealth through various sources of income.

With tent-making, I believe we can preach a pure Gospel without money exploitation.

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