Sunday 17 March 2019

Testimony from Kingdom War Part 3

As shared in part 1 and 2, our fight is not against FLESH and blood... Flesh not only includes others, it also includes ourselves. The kingdom war is never against people. Neither is it personal. It is always between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. The enemy aims to take your feet off the ground so that you forget to stand firm in your identity. Ephesians 6 teaches us to put on the full armour of who we are in Christ (identity), so that the enemy cannot disqualify us from the race.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, AND THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES TO THE DEATH. - Revelation 12:11 (emphasis added)

The way to overcome the enemy isn’t just by the blood and the testimonies, but also to love not your life to the death. If the enemy touches you and realises that you care about your life, he has a hold on you. Until you have a hold on surrendering your life, the enemy has the hold on you. (Luke 9:24)

After a series of incident which I shared in earlier posts, I grew even more ‘aggressive’ in the kingdom. I refused to be moved. On the day I picked up my luggage and left, the enemy probably gave up. 

But he is always a loser, a sore one especially. The moment when I reached the airport, I received a text from my wife. She was breaking out in cold sweat, feeling giddy and couldn’t stand up to move.

What’s new? But he was born to lose anyway.

I was in Shibuya, Tokyo for less than 3 days with the missionary team. A church invited me to equip and empower their team as they had difficulty reaching the Japanese. They wanted to plant a local church there. I would not dare to assume that what we did in SG would work there. So we did a couple of trials and errors before we finally embarked on a momentum to reach them. It’s a whole different ball game compared to reaching Singaporeans.

In the first two days of outreach, we saw 8 salvations (with exchange of contact for follow-up and discipleship). It’s not easy to get the Japanese to exchange contact with you, especially when all of us are foreigners, strangers and hardly speak any Japanese. At the beginning of third day’s outreach, we quickly saw two salvations within an hour, and I had to rush back to the airport. We broke through the barriers in order to minister healings, prophetic and word of knowledge in cafe, streets, etc.

My role in this trip wasn’t to do the work of ministry but to equip them to do the work, so that after I have left, they could keep it going. And I’m elated to hear that the team are now all moving in word of knowledge and getting many contacts with the Japanese. Jesus!

It’s my passion to empower others to manifest the kingdom in the marketplace and through day-to-day living. Most of us don’t minister in church services, crusades and meetings. In fact, most unbelievers won’t go there too. For us to be effective in advancing the Gospel, we must reach the public square and marketplace, especially for first world nations. Personal & lifestyle evangelism, therefore, is an important area where many believers are not equipped to do. Don’t just bring people to crusades, meetings and booths for a Jesus-encounter. Instead, be the Jesus-encounter for people wherever you go.

I believe the momentum created in this trip will continue and the harvest will be reaped in Japan - salvation & discipleship. For the Gospel is not a hit-and-run but the way of life. Jesus!

P.S: I experienced a supernatural prevention of weight loss in this extended fast. It was the first time I prayed in a fast, “Father, I thank You for supernatural prevention of weight loss in this fast.” My wife said, “Surprisingly... you didn’t lose much weight this round.” Having said that, I also experienced great hunger in the cold weather. 😂😂

Note: Despite encountering a series of event, I believe that divine protection is available for every believer such that we can be free from such attack. However, IF it comes, the way to overcome is to disregard it as personal and love not our lives.

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