Thursday 14 March 2019

Testimony from Kingdom War Part 1

Our fight is not against flesh & blood, but against the principalities and powers of the dark world...

Facing resistance when you are advancing the kingdom is part and parcel of our privileged life as sons and daughters. What I am going to share is a fuller picture prior to my missions trip to Japan to equip the missionaries for reaching the Japanese ---- one of the tougher groups to reach. 

Japan was the first country God put in my heart when I became a believer. I picked up elementary Japanese language as a newborn believer to prepare myself for missions in Japan when I was convicted by Matt 28:18-20 one day. Little did know that it took 13 years before I was sent there by His grace. If I were to be there many years earlier, it would not have been effective.

(Thanks to the workers who have laboured and plowed the land for many years in Japan!)

My desire is to reach the first world nations (Japan, Singapore and Australia) so that the rich can prosper the poor in third world nations. Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God (Luke 18:25). Why? Self-dependence, which is pride in nature. 

In third world nations, it is easy for one to embrace the Gospel because they are desperate for help. We see signs and wonders, and scores of souls coming to Christ in developing countries. The challenge in these countries is not reaching them with the Gospel. It is empowering them to have life skills so that they get providence. On top of that, discipleship is also necessary for them to live a transformed life. 

Often, we miss the point when we just presumptuously think that we are doing a great job by preaching the Gospel to them. Take a look at Africa --- they have more than 50% Christians. But look at the transformation of their society and you will know that just getting someone saved is not the answer ---- some of them just keep getting saved over and over again, if you know what I mean. In certain parts of Indonesia, there are plenty of Christians. They have encountered massive signs and wonders. But having been there a few times and having consulted a popular local evangelist and pastor who travels extensively and regularly throughout different regions of Indonesia, the problem that most local churches face is still DISCIPLESHIP and PROVIDENCE.

The Gospel is not a hit-and-run. So often, we get exhilarated preaching in crusades, holding services and meetings in third world nations, with testimonies after testimonies of how people encounter the Lord in miracles, signs and wonders. After we leave, it's back to zero. Because there is no change in the lives of the people ----- due to the lack of discipleship and providence. Without providence or life skills to produce providence, nobody is keen to focus on discipleship. When basic needs are not even met, it is tough for the head of a household to pursue the kingdom and be fully committed.

It is with this in mind that we need more people to reach the first world nations ---- the affluent ones. It is definitely not as easy to get someone saved as compared to developing nations; it is definitely not as common to see tremendous miracles, signs and wonders as consistently as developing countries, BUT it is something worth pursuing. Because they can be sent out to be a blessing for the third world natives.

The rich are educated to equip them with life skills.
The rich are blessed to be a blessing for them.
The rich can improve the living conditions of the poor.

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong reaching the third world. It is a good and necessary thing. We just need to send out workers to reach the first world too.

Going to Japan has renewed my perspective on the Gospel of the Kingdom. Japan has a long history for her culture. It is complacent to think that what works in the Western world (and even Singapore) will work in this self-preserving nation. I love their rich heritage. And I love how they preserve the culture even till today.

Before I headed there, I encountered a series of event that reinforced my understanding and belief on the kingdom. And yes, what the enemy intended for evil, God has used it to strengthen me even further. So thanks to you, mr s.a. tan for indirectly empowering me.

The kingdom war is real. But it is NEVER about you. Once we allow it to become personal, we lose the power to walk in victory. 'Our fight is not against FLESH and blood' ----- we usually say that it is not against people. But the word 'flesh' also refers to OURSELVES, because we are in the flesh (body) too.

I shared that I was down with a bad fever before the trip, which took me by surprise, because I had walked in divine health for a few years. Little did I realise that more stuff would happen before the trip. And I'll share in the next part.

Note: As mentioned before, we can walk FREE from such physical attack because we have divine protection. I am still growing in that. But God is sovereign and He used the attack and turned it for my good.

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