Sunday 5 May 2019

Business VS Gospel Part 1

Some time ago, I shared a personal revelation on Deut 8:18. The word ‘power’ in Septuagint is the exact same word used in Acts 1:8 - “But you shall receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you...” (emphasis added)

In other words, it is God who gives us the POWER to produce wealth. And He has given us that POWER through the Holy Spirit. As believers, we are not waiting for wealth to drop from heaven. We are given the wisdom and power to produce wealth.

Personally, I prefer to separate wealth (money & providence) from the Gospel. This keeps the Gospel pure and clean.

Apostle Paul was a tentmaker. He often separated money from the Gospel, which is why he had the authority to write in 1 Cor 9:12 - Nevertheless we have not used this right, but endure all things LEST we HINDER the gospel of Christ.

What is my reward then? That when I preach the gospel, I may present the gospel of Christ WITHOUT CHARGE, that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel. - 1 Cor 9:18 (emphasis added)

The word ‘without charge’ means ‘without expense, requiring no outlay.’

Now, don’t get me wrong. Paul did say that the preachers of the Gospel deserve their wages from the Gospel (1 Cor 9:11, 14). I have friends who earn their income by traveling and preaching the Gospel. I have nothing against that. 

But personally, I am convicted to avoid that model. I’m zealous to see the Gospel preached in purity, especially in today’s world where there are so many abuses —- preachers earning a lot of money by preaching the Gospel; preachers choosing their audience (size of crowd, offering amount, honorarium requirement, etc.); preachers who are just lazy to work by tentmaking, etc. The line between money and the Gospel is just way too thin.

For some itinerant speakers, some have a lot of free time, while others have pockets of free time. I believe that they can work to earn some income, instead of asking for money. In fact, in many third world countries, many preachers actually labour and work after preaching the Gospel —- some do construction works; some run restaurants; etc.

‘If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.’ (2 Thes 3:10; Prov 18:9)

Can you imagine if everybody just becomes an itinerant speaker and preaches the Gospel for a living? Who is going to provide for whoever?

I have a passion to present the Gospel, and to travel doing missions. But my heart is also burning to apply Deut 8:18 as a tentmaker. For God has given us the POWER to produce wealth. He has given us the wisdom and POWER to provide for what we need to preach the Gospel.

It is with this and another revelation that I embarked on a new journey —— entrepreneurship as a digital nomad.

Yes I’m still working in the real estate industry. While many say that being in real estate industry is equivalent to being in business, I think otherwise. It is not really business per se. Because we are bound by many limitations where an entrepreneur doesn’t face.

Furthermore, it doesn’t free me up to travel and do missions. If I want to earn more from real estate industry, it also means that I will be busier than ever. Unless I have the financial capacity to employ staff or runners to do presentations and viewings... which I don’t. Besides, which licensed agent will want to be employed by another agent when the former could possibly get a better income on his own. On side note, I believe and sense that the upcoming Web 4.0 and newer technologies will be able to provide one-stop service that removes the need for many property agents. We are already seeing a glimpse on that in the present.

In heaven, there is no season. On earth, there are different seasons. The new wave is coming in very quickly. We can ride on that, with God’s wisdom and power, to produce what is needed for the Gospel to advance. I believe that we need more tentmakers than ever before. We need to represent and re-present the Gospel with purity and separation from money.

Can you imagine the liberty of preaching the Gospel anywhere and anytime, without limitations, without the need to get an income from offering and/or honorarium? You and I can make a difference.

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