Wednesday 13 June 2018

School of Power and Love 2018 Part 2

Was at home storage reception office. Spoke to the staff attending me.

I said, “Your left wrist has injury and pain?” He asked, “You remember me?” I said, “No. This is my first time meeting you.” He said, “How did you know?”

Then I ministered to his wrist and said, “You like freedom. You cannot be constrained by people. You don’t like to be kept in a box. Because your mind is wired to be free & creative.” He nodded, “That’s very true.”

I saw in a vision, so I continued, “You have a tiger tattoo?” He said, “Yes, it’s on my back.”

“At the age of 3, you got lost and became very fearful. This is why you went for a tiger tattoo.”

I saw the word ‘rival’ and I said, “Your relationship with your sibling is really no good.”

He said, “On paper, I have a sibling. But I don’t have relationship with my sibling.”

He kept asking, “How did you know these? How did you know?”

I shared Jesus with him and he nodded in agreement. He used to attend church but no longer went. 

Today, church was brought before him, because Jesus pursued and loved him. It’s not about attending church. It’s about knowing who Christ is.

Christ IN you is the hope of glory. Christ through you is the manifestation of glory. When you know who is IN you, you know who can be THROUGH you.

What happens if 1500-2000 Singaporeans walk in this daily lifestyle, everywhere they go? There is no intentional time set aside for ministry because if your life IS the ministry, ministry flows out of you everywhere you go.

Get ready for School of Power and Love 2018 in December. Stay tuned for more updates! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #powerandlove2018

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