Friday 22 June 2018


Prophecy often doesn’t show you what has yet to happen. It shows you what has already happened so that you can believe for what has yet to happen.

If it is for edification, exhortation and comfort (1 Cor 14:3-4), then everyone can prophesy anytime based on the Word.

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need finances, “God is going to pour out His financial blessing on you.”

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need healing, “God is going to heal you.”

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need peace, “God is releasing His peace on you so that you walk above the storm.”

You can even go very specific because it gives the recipient faith to believe for what you said.

It is giving a “now” Word based on the truth in the Word, so that the recipient has faith. For faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God. When faith arises, the recipient positions himself to receive the promise from the prophecy (which is simply a timeless truth in the Word).

You can call it a self-fulfilled prophecy, because it happens when you mix the Word (prophecy) with faith. (Heb 4:2)

Prophecy shows what has already happened on the Cross (healing, providence, peace, etc). It serves to give a boost to someone’s faith so that he can believe God for what has yet to happen in his situation.

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