Wednesday 27 June 2018

Gospel Of The Kingdom

If the Gospel of the Kingdom is our main priority, then your job is secondary. If you don’t know which job you should take, then just grab one, and manifest Christ.

You don’t see anyone praying, “Father, which job should I take?” in the New Covenant. If the Gospel of the Kingdom is dependent on the job you take, then it is a weak Gospel.

I have nothing against the 7 mountains of society. But the same Gospel in the book of Acts is powerful enough to work through all mountains. Regardless of our job, manifest Christ, for it is the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Friday 22 June 2018


Prophecy often doesn’t show you what has yet to happen. It shows you what has already happened so that you can believe for what has yet to happen.

If it is for edification, exhortation and comfort (1 Cor 14:3-4), then everyone can prophesy anytime based on the Word.

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need finances, “God is going to pour out His financial blessing on you.”

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need healing, “God is going to heal you.”

You can prophesy anytime to someone who need peace, “God is releasing His peace on you so that you walk above the storm.”

You can even go very specific because it gives the recipient faith to believe for what you said.

It is giving a “now” Word based on the truth in the Word, so that the recipient has faith. For faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God. When faith arises, the recipient positions himself to receive the promise from the prophecy (which is simply a timeless truth in the Word).

You can call it a self-fulfilled prophecy, because it happens when you mix the Word (prophecy) with faith. (Heb 4:2)

Prophecy shows what has already happened on the Cross (healing, providence, peace, etc). It serves to give a boost to someone’s faith so that he can believe God for what has yet to happen in his situation.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Righteous & No Condemnation

Condemnation is not from the enemy. Neither is it from God. 

It is from our heart (1 John 3:20). Only accusation is from the enemy. He accuses you so that your heart condemns you.

Accusation -> Condemnation -> Fear -> Stress

But because Jesus died on our behalf and rose again (Romans 8:34) to prove that He fully paid off all our sins, we are free from any condemnation (Romans 8:1) of our heart, because we are made righteous and thus, free from all accusations from the enemy. There is no more guilt and shame left.

Righteous -> No Accusation -> No Condemnation -> Faith (Confidence) -> Rest

1 John 3:21-22 - Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him...

Righteousness, therefore, is the foundation to receive all that God has blessed us with.

Each time when the enemy tries to accuse you, say “Thank you for reminding me that I am righteous.” (Romans 8:33)

Each time when your heart feels like condemning you, say “Thank you for reminding me that Jesus died and paid for that. Phew!”

Apparently, it is not just the Holy Spirit who reminds you all things. The enemy also helps to remind you how righteous you are. 谢谢你啊!

Wednesday 13 June 2018

School of Power and Love 2018 Part 2

Was at home storage reception office. Spoke to the staff attending me.

I said, “Your left wrist has injury and pain?” He asked, “You remember me?” I said, “No. This is my first time meeting you.” He said, “How did you know?”

Then I ministered to his wrist and said, “You like freedom. You cannot be constrained by people. You don’t like to be kept in a box. Because your mind is wired to be free & creative.” He nodded, “That’s very true.”

I saw in a vision, so I continued, “You have a tiger tattoo?” He said, “Yes, it’s on my back.”

“At the age of 3, you got lost and became very fearful. This is why you went for a tiger tattoo.”

I saw the word ‘rival’ and I said, “Your relationship with your sibling is really no good.”

He said, “On paper, I have a sibling. But I don’t have relationship with my sibling.”

He kept asking, “How did you know these? How did you know?”

I shared Jesus with him and he nodded in agreement. He used to attend church but no longer went. 

Today, church was brought before him, because Jesus pursued and loved him. It’s not about attending church. It’s about knowing who Christ is.

Christ IN you is the hope of glory. Christ through you is the manifestation of glory. When you know who is IN you, you know who can be THROUGH you.

What happens if 1500-2000 Singaporeans walk in this daily lifestyle, everywhere they go? There is no intentional time set aside for ministry because if your life IS the ministry, ministry flows out of you everywhere you go.

Get ready for School of Power and Love 2018 in December. Stay tuned for more updates! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #powerandlove2018

School of Power and Love Dec 2018

Walked past one of the EC cleaners and began to minister to her.

Asked her if she had pain on her left shoulder and she said yes. I stood there without touching her and she suddenly felt heat all over her shoulder and she got completely healed. Then I said, “You have three siblings. And your father does not favour you.”

She nodded and said, “Yes. I have three siblings and we are from different mothers. My father does not like me.”

I said, “But God sees you as the apple of His eyes (because I saw that vision). He’s saying that you are her favourite daughter. Really. You really are the apple of His eyes.”

Her eyes welled up. And I shared Jesus with her. She is a M.

I’ll have another opportunity to speak into her life about Christ, since she is working here.

You don’t have to wait for another outreach ministry. Your outreach ministry is the people around you. In your normal daily routine, people get to know the Jesus you know. Jesus! 

What happens if 1500-2000 Singaporeans walk in this lifestyle daily? Get ready for School of Power and Love 2018 in December. Stay tuned!

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #powerandlove2018