Monday 28 May 2018

Ingrown Toenail Healed

More than one week ago, I woke up with pain on my left big toe. I pressed the nail a little and blood came out. Unknown to me, the toenail had actually pierced into my flesh. This was unbelievable because I never had ingrown toenail issue since I was born --- about 18 years ago.

The first thing I did was to command the nail to be healed. Alright, let me be honest and share the complete story instead of only sharing the faith-filled response (which we often like to do so) that caused many to be inspired but none to be helped.

I did what I knew how in commanding/releasing healing, but to no avail. Each step I took felt uncomfortable due to the ingrown toenail which was piercing into the flesh. After two days with no improvement, a little fear came into my heart - "Man, I have heard so many going for surgery to remove the toenail. What if..." The carnal mind is indeed death, but the spiritual mind is life and peace. You will be surprised how the enemy throws thoughts into your mind ---- the carnal mind.

I went to Google about this issue --- the very thing that I consistently told my wife NEVER EVER TO DO SO for any kind of symptom, because the end point would always be fear. I read the cause and effects of ingrown toenail and praise God, indeed more fear came into my heart. Outwardly, I was commanding the pain to go and toenail to be healed. Inwardly, I had opened door for doubt to enter by googling. I even looked at home remedies for ingrown toenail because I rather die than going for surgery. In my mind, I was going, "How can this be possible? 36 years already... I mean 18 years since I was born... I never had this issue. How did it ever happen?"

When seemingly faith-filled prayers didn't work, I tried to soak my foot in warm water (home remedy) but I failed to pull/lift the nail up with a dental floss. The end result - even more blood came out.

So I began to thank Him, "Jesus, I thank You for Your blood. Your Body removed sin from me but Your Blood removed me from sin. You redeemed me to the beginning. It is just as if I have never ever sinned before. You look at me as if You are looking at Christ - perfect, blameless, holy and righteous. And if I have never sinned before, I don't have to suffer any effects and consequence of sin, which include ingrown toenail. I have been redeemed from this. I thank You that I'm not trying to be healed. By Your stripes, I have been and I remain healed and well."

And I rested from prayers, because prayers do not move any mountain. It's believing that does. When I rested, I also believed. Persistent prayers can result in persistently focusing on the problem, instead of resting in His goodness. Pray if you need, but once you have that rest, stop and simply believe. This is the peace that surpasses all understanding.

On the following day, when I pressed the toenail, no blood came out except soreness and discomfort. Then I did not know if it was the third or fourth day, everything was gone. I pressed against it and there was no pain.

Today, it is about one week and I'm thankful that I'm completely healed and the toe nail has suddenly shifted to grow properly, by His grace. Jesus! #Ilovesuddenlies #Heisgood #sameyesterdaytodayandforever

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Guy With Deformity

A guy was born with deformity in his left shoulder. He had no flexibility in that area. When we approached him for healing, he was totally doubtful. We ministered twice and nothing happened. He said, "It's still the same." And he gave a confident look, knowing that we would not be able to do anything about it.

We saw the word 'basketball' and we looked at him and said, "You are a basketball player." He nodded. We said, "And you are an extremely good one." He nodded "yeah". We added, "And because of the way you play, you have received so many affirmation from people." He went "yes". We said, "But there is one affirmation you are looking for and you don't have it. And that is from your father. Because since young, he has never ever affirmed you." He began to lean in, while nodding his head, with sorrow in his eyes.

"But there is one Father from heaven who affirms you long before you do anything to gain affirmation." He moved his shoulder and his eyes brightened up, "I can feel the difference! There's more flexibility right now!" 

We shared about Jesus, but his friends hurried him to leave. They had something on, but we had stopped them out of nowhere to minister to him.

Don't judge a person by appearance. This is why Paul said to regard no one in the flesh. If we can see them in the spirit, we will realise that the Father is constantly seeking His own. #identity #lifestylechristianity101

John G Lake

"Why are we leaning on anything but Jesus?" - John G Lake

The man who got persecuted for his belief in healing. He saw 100,000 documented healings for his own native people in 5 years. 80% of those healings were people with terminal diseases, who had lost hope because the medical doctors couldn't do anything for them. And 80% of these terminally-illed were healed INSTANTLY.

We need to perceive more, Lord. That every believer can walk in this and more.

Celebrate Every Healing

To ask someone what is the greatest healing miracle he has seen is to set our mind on the things on earth (and that’s demonic in nature), because heaven sees every miracle on the SAME level. #celebrate #bloodofJesus #Hisstripes #finishedworks #healingmiracle

Thursday 17 May 2018

Receiving The Person of Jesus

We approached a guy to minister to him. We asked him to stand inside a hula hoop for healing. After standing for a couple of seconds, pain left both his calves and his chest. Then God spoke and we said, "You are so analytical in your mind that you take careful steps in making decisions. In fact, you plan your schedule and time very well, for God has given you a strong gift of administration." He kept nodding. We saw the word "engineer", so we said, "You are an engineer by training." He responded, "I study mechanical engineering!" We continued ministering and it came to a point where he was dumbfounded and wondered how all these are possible.

That is the time to introduce Jesus and the whole Gospel. We presented the Gospel and asked if he would like to know Jesus. He is a Buddhist. He almost wanted to receive Him, and we could have easily gotten him to say salvation prayer. But hey, saying salvation prayer doesn't get you saved. You can't find that in the Bible. Just because you are born in Mac Donald doesn't make you a Mac Chicken. It's about believing in the very Person of Jesus Christ - realising His finished works and the Cross.

He asked alot of questions, because the supernatural has defied all his logics and science. He said, "I used to be kind of an agnostic, but now I am kind of convinced that there is a God. But I am a Buddhist, what would receiving Jesus affect my family and Buddhist values?"

I love his questions, because it reveals his sincerity in knowing who Jesus is. At the end, we didn't take a step further to get him to receive Jesus. There are enough stuff for him to ponder and make a firm decision in time to come.

Often, we simply want someone to receive Jesus, without presenting the clear full Gospel. It is not about the number of people saying salvation prayer or "Yes" to Jesus. It is not about clocking salvation testimonies. It is about having the person know the person of Jesus and finally take the step of faith to believe.

If we tell someone that "Jesus loves you, would you like to receive Him?", of course everybody wants. If we tell someone "See this power that is in us, do you want it? You can have it, just receive Jesus"... of course everybody wants this Jesus.

We are so quick to get a person to say "Yes", and we end up having Christians who have a form of godliness but without power. We end up having Christians who 'fall away' easily because they have only heard of a feel-good-experience Gospel. Because they didn't know that receiving Jesus also means acknowledging that He is the only God and surrendering your life to Him.

It is easy to get anyone to say "Yes" to Jesus, until you present the Cross and the Way. Following Him is what the early church understood the moment they received Him. They knew what they had to surrender - Judaism (their predominant belief).

Many came to (Paul) at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening. And some were persuaded by the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved. - Acts 28:23-24

“Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them. 16 In the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their own ways; 17 and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.” 18 Even saying these things, with difficulty they restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them." - Acts 14:15-18

If everyone you speak to easily believe in Jesus, you need to evaluate if you have presented the Gospel truth. Because both Jesus and apostle Paul had people who rejected the Christ that they preached. They had the message that involved changing their old belief (Judaism) into new belief (Jesus Christ). That is repentance. This is why when the early church believed, they went FULL ON for the kingdom. But nowadays, when we believe, we simply ADD Jesus into our list of things in life; when we are free, then we think about Him.

It's time to represent Christ and re-present the Gospel.

Monday 7 May 2018

Your Body Is Healing

Your Body Is Healing

Last night, it took J close to an hour to sleep. From the moment he lay on the bed, he had been coughing non-stop for more than 45 minutes. I ministered to him twice with no result.

He prayed for himself a couple of times, saying, "In Jesus' name, no more cough. Amen", but to no avail.

He complained a couple of times, "Mama, I can't sleep because of the cough." 

Finally, my wife went out of the room in search of past cough medicine. It was during this moment when I heard God saying, "Ask J to lie on your chest, for your body is the Body of Christ that releases healing."

So I said, "J, lie on Papa." He came over and lay on my chest. Within the first minute, he coughed once. And there was NO MORE cough!

By the time my wife came back (without the medicine as she couldn't find), J was sound asleep. He slept through the whole night without any cough.

If we are the Body of Christ, our body releases healing. It is not just whomever we lay our hands on, it is also whoever touches our body shall be healed. Jesus! #miracle #bodyofChrist