Friday 12 September 2014

WOK - Inner Healing

At a prayer and fast meeting, a girl was constantly shaking. Her head and arm was shaking. She was in great fear and agony.

My friend prayed for her but there was no response.

I asked the Lord what happened to her and I received a WOK - I saw in a vision where the father is abusing her. She is younger in the vision.

I asked the translator to help me check with her mother if she was ever abused by her father. Her mother gave a hesitant look before nodding her head. I asked if she had this condition before the abuse and she said no.

Then I realised that her condition was caused by the trauma due to the abuse of her father. Thus, she would need inner healing.

Led her through inner healing and she started smiling! Her fear and agony was gone!

Our team leader came over and continued with the inner healing and she became much better. Praise Jesus!

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